Lecture 11 (NMR, etc.) Flashcards
What does NMR exhibit?
energy absorption leading to transitions between nuclear spin states in nuclei that have a net spin quantum number I different from zero
What can make an isotope NMR inactive?
having even mass and atomic numbers have I=0
What can make an isotope NMR active?
having odd mass and atomic numbers have fractional I=n/2
What is the quantum number when isotopes have even mass number but odd atomic numbers?
What happens when a nucleus with I=1/2 is placed in a magnetic field?
Its energy levels (degenerate) split depending on the orientation of its spin
When the NMR is parallel the energy is …
When the NMR is antiparallel the energy is …
What is the formula for the number of spin states using the value of I?
Energy difference formula?
∆E = (γ∙h∙B)/(2∙π)
Resonance frequency formula?
ν = (γ∙B)/(2∙π)
What is γ?
It is the gyromagnetic (magnetogyric) ratio, a constant for specific nuclei.
What happens when a sample is irradiated with energy, h∙ν = ∆E?
The energy is absorbed and the nucleus is excited; resonance is satisfied.
What is Larmor frequency?
a nucleus that has a characteristic for NMR resonance frequency
Why is a good portion of nuclei already in an excited state?
There is a small difference between the ground state and the excited state. The excited state and ground state have a small difference in population.
Nearly all molecules exist in the higher vibrational state can be excited through absorption of energy. True or false?
False (lower vibrational state)
What is saturation?
Upon excitation, the populations can become equal and the absorption of energy cease.
How can NMR be increased?
Larger magnets; larger B leads to a larger energy, leading to a larger difference in population between ground and excited state, creating a more intense NMR absorption
What is the solution to saturation?
What is relaxation?
returning the nuclei from an excited state to the ground state
What is the effective magnetic field formula?
Beff = B0(1 - σ)
What happens to the resolution when there is a larger B makes the resolution