Lecture 11: Mechanical Patient Circuits Flashcards
Opposing forces to airway driving pressures?
flow resistance from airways
viscous properties of tissues resisting deformation
inertia of air
Draw dynamic PV curves
Describe Flow, TVol, Paw and Poes for spontaneous and ventilated breaths
ACV gives the patient the option of initiating additional machine breaths when the set rate is insufficient to meet the patient’s rate demand
patient’s spontaneous breaths are augmented by a defined number of machine breaths
requires the patient’s effort before a machine breath is delivered
delivery of positive pressure ventilation via a tight-fitting mask (primarily applied as PSV)
extra positive pressure continuously supplied by the ventilator. CPAP is used to raise lung volume above FRC to recruit collapsed and flooded alveoli and so improve gas exchange and keep the glottis open to relieve snoring
expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) and the inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) are individually set.
Too high volume risks?
over inflation
Too low volume risks?
Too high rate risks?
hyperventilation respiratory alkalosis (gas trapped)
Too low rate risks?
inadequate minute ventilation
respiratory acidosis
Describe breathing circuits for
Ventilator standard?
ISO 10651.1 Lung Ventilators for Medical Use
Non-invasive gas monitors?
Pulse oximeter
End Tidal CO2 Monitor