Lecture 11 Differential effects of intersexual and intrasexual selection in monogamousand polygynous mating systems Flashcards
what results in sperm competition?
In promiscuous mating systems, (common in many primates ie chimps, + many baboon species) females mate with many males over the course of the oestrous cycle.
primate poly mating systems?
In polygynous mating systems, males monopolise access to several females, but in primates, mating incidents are low, as he guards relatively few females and these are usually rearing offspring and are in lactational anoestrous.
what occurs in seasonally breeding poly species?
In seasonally breeding polygynous species, males indulge in scramble competition for access to females over a limited period (ie Antechinus see also last lecture). Sperm competition results
what occurs in non seasonal primates with poly?
In non-seasonal primates with stable polygynous systems, female fertility is low and sperm competition reduced
gorilla general description:
Silverback male has a harem of 3-4 females
Each adult female comes into oestrus once or twice every 4 years
For the remaining time, she is lactational anoestrous or is pregnant
Male may only get the opportunity to copulate once a year, since mating is confined to time that female is in oestrus
Male gorillas weigh 250Kg, yet testis are only 10g - small
Chimpanzees general description:
Promiscuous or multi-male mating system
Several males mate with a single female while she is in oestrus
Sperm competition results
Dominant males may have relatively high copulation frequency.
Several adult females in the troop may come into oestrus at same time, favouring large testis size
If the female is to mate with many males, it pays her to advertise her receptive state with pronounced oestrous swelling at time of ovulation which can be seen as a badge by the males
Orang-utan description:
Males are largely solitary
Occupy large defended territories
Females occupy overlapping ranges which They may share with their daughters
Prolonged period of offspring care and lactation
Means that they come into oestrus approximately once every 4 years.
Solitary non-promiscuous nature means that females do not advertise their ovulationwith overt oestrous swelling.
Bonobo/West african pigmy chimp description:
Fission-fusion society – similar to E.African chimps
Male inherit social status from their mothers and often
remain in maternal area for life
Females have prolonged periods of oestrous swelling
well beyond period of fertility
Species is highly promiscuous
The only non-human primate species which
mates face to face
homo sapiens
There is only one species of mammal in which all signs of ovulation
are suppressed
….so much so that the individual female is unaware of time of ovulation
This same species is the only species of mammal to mate over the entire ovarian cycle irrespective of fertility
This species has the longest period of post-natal care and greatest need to support the development of the offspring
Kalahari !Kung people
Melvin Konner
decreased no of ovulations compared to western woman.
western better nutrition, less breastfeeding. smaller intervals between births
hunter gatherer
Interval from menarche to 1st birth ca 3.5 years
Breast-feeding 4 times/h in 1st 2 years
Suckling stimulus blocks ovulation
Return to menses ca 24-36 months
Interval between births 3 years plus
Ovulations per lifetime = Age at menopause – Age at menarche, @ 13 ovulations per year = 403 possible
Of these, ca 215 cycles are anovulatory.
Add ca 30 cycles for post-menarche and pre-menopausal
Net Number is ca 160 cycles per lifetime
western woman
Earlier menarche than hunter gatherers.
Interval from menarche to 1st birth over 14 years
Decrease in number of children reared
Decrease in prevalence of prolonged breast-feeding
Estimated life-time number of ovulations = 450
examples of androgen action?
Mandrill - Facial & Rump colour.
testosterone increases and bright facial colours result, show dominance.
higher rank, brighter face/genitals/testis size. also change with rank/loss/gain
Brown howler monkey -Dimorphic colour & hyoid bone varies in size.
inverse to testis size, vocally mediated competition.
Overt badges of fertility in female primates
Oestrous swelling in perineal region of chimpanzees and several baboon species
Oestrogen dependent
Females advertise their fertility
Oestrous swelling in female chimpanzees. Female reproductive cycle is 36 days. Females exhibit pronounced swelling for ca 10 days.
males mate most when
Alpha males focus most effort on times of maximal fertility
Mating behaviour in chimps
Alpha males monopolise most mating at peak tumescence time
Alpha males show increased interest in females that show relative increases in tumescence size from cycle to cycle
Field data shows that increased tumescence from cycle to cycle is a reliable indicator of ability to conceive
alpha males
Alpha males cannot monopolise access to all females or all mating. Female choice is important.
Alpha males focus time and energy on females in the group at their peak fertility times.
Alpha males are probably tracking the fertility of the resident females over successive oestrous cycles to the point of conception – perhaps by retaining a memory of previous tumescence sizes in individual females, since absolute size varies from female to female.
Mid-piece comprises densely packed
mitochondria and energy in the absence
of glycolytic support
Mitochondrial loading associated with
motility and flagellum activity
as spperm competition increases so does mid piece size.
mating structure and mid piece size relationship
poly have increased testis size, ejac per hour, bigger mid piece