Lecture 11: Body Plan Development III Flashcards
Which signaling factor is necessary for the formation of endoderm?
Describe the relationship of the expression of nodal and FGF-4 to the establishment of the anterior-posterior gradient
Higher levels of nodal anteriorly
Lower levels of nodal + presence of FGF-4 posteriorly
Describe the role of Cdx-2 in the formation of the hindgut and foregut
- Promotes hindgut development
- Suppresses formation of anterior gut structures
Describe the relationship of Shh and BMP-4 in the formation of the anterior and posterior intestinal portals
Anterior intestinal portal: Shh
Posterior intestinal portal: Shh followed by BMP-4
Which series of Hox genes is involved in the refinement of the differentiation of gut structures?
Anterior: Hex, Sox-2, Foxa-2
Posterior: Cdx-2
List major features of the fourth week embryo
- Length of embryo = 4 mm
- Rudiments for most of the major organ systems are present—except limbs and kidneys
- Prominent pharyngeal arches
- Wolffian ridge develops—marks limb buds
List each of the three major circulatory arcs in the 4-week embryo and the components and function of each
- Intraembryonic circulatory arc- circulatory system
- Omphalomesenteric arc- supplies yolk sac
- Extraembryonic arc- umbilical vessels
List and describe the four extraembryonic layers and the germ layers from which they are derived
Amnion- epiblast derivative
Yolk sac- hypoblast derivative
Chorion- part of fetal maternal interface
Allantosis- interfaces with placenta via umbillical cord
List the two trophoblastic derivatives that comprise the fetal-maternal interface
List the functions of the amnion
- Buffer against mechanical injury
- Accommodates growth
- Allows normal movements
- Protects fetus from adhesions
Describe hydraminos and indicate what circumstances are often associated
An excessive amount of amniotic fluid
Causes esophageal atresia and anencephaly
Describe oligohydramnios and indicate what circumstances are often associated
Too little amniotic fluid
Associated with renal angenesis (absence of kidneys)
What information can be learned by testing for A-fetoprotein
a high concentration of this protein in the CNS is an indicator of a neural tube defect
What information can be learned by testing for Creatine
assesses fetal maturity
What information can be learned by testing for Lecithin-to-sphingomyelin ratio
assesses fetal maturity and specifically shows the maturity of the lungs
Describe phase I and phase II formation of the amniotic fluid?
Phase 1: amniotic fluid is similar to fetal fluids, source is maternal serum
Phase 2: contributions from fetal urine, maternal blood vessels, and fetal vessels in the umbilical cord