Lecture 11 - AQP1 Flashcards
osmotic water permeability
Osmotic water permeability
the permeability to water when an osmotic gradient is applied
What happens to water when the cell is in a hypertonic solution?
water leaves the cell
What happens to water when the cell is in a hypotonic cell?
Water moves into the cell
Diffusional water permeability
Diffusional water permeability
Permeability to water when there is no osmotic gradient
What happens to water when the cell is in an isotonic solutioN?
equal water enters and leaves cell/
Influx = efflux therefore no net movement without volume change
Pf/Pd>1 means
there is a water pore present int he cell membrane
Cartesian diver balance use for…
Used to measure Pd
Cartesian diver balance set up
small glass funnel containing cells with an air bubble at the top. The density of air in the bubble determines what level it goes to in the solution
Adding pressure to the Cartesian diver balance
increased pressure means the air bubble gets smaller so the diver sinks
adding suction to the Cartesian diver balance
air bubble expands so the diver rises
Cartesian diver balance experiment
cells equilibrated in water then placed into heavy water solution, D2O exchanges with H2O in cells so the cell becomes heavier so the diver sinks. Apply suction to keep diver at a constant height. measure the pressure needed to keep diver at constant height over time
Cartesian diver balance change in equilibrium pressure correlated to change in weight
from this correlation the change inc ell weight can be measured, then it is known how much D2O has moved into the cell so Pd can be calculated
Measuring Pf
measure change in cell volume over time when exposed to a hypertonic/hypotonic solution
Pf equation
change in volume = Pf x SA x t x change in C
red blood cells and water permeability
highest permeability of any cells with a 2.5 ratio
AQP1 32kd band
glycosylated version of the 28kd protein
AQP1 structure
Is CHIP28 a water channel?
circumstantial evidence only, transcript corresponds to the RNA fraction from kidneys that produces greater water channel activity
both CHIP28 and water channel are resistant to enzymatic digestion
Experimental CHIP28 evidence
expressed in xenopus oocytes and exposed to hypotonic shock
volume change is rapid and oocytes explode within a few minutes