Lecture 11 Flashcards
Dermal components of pectoral girdle
Function of dermal components of pectoral girdle
Support endochondral components and articulate them with axial skeleton
Provide surfaces for muscle attachment
Endochondral components of pectoral girdle
Function of endochondral components of pectoral girdle
Carry the limb articulation: glenoid cavity
Serve as major base of attachment for limb muscles
Shark pectoral girdle
Only consists of endochondral components
Main component is coracoid bar:
- carries fin attachment
- typically U-shaped
- scapular processes sit on top of lateral ends of coracoid
Pectoral girdle in bony fishes
Cleithrum and clavicle of the pectoral girdle are united with the dermal components of the skull
Other components include supracleithrum and posttemporals
Dermal components in tetrapods
Separate from the dermal skull components
Cleithrum not found in modern tetrapods
Interclavicle in fossil amphibians
Clavicles and interclavicles are found in lizards and sphenadon; present in monotremes
Clavicles lost in many mammals
Dermal components in tetrapods: birds
Clavicles + interclavicle= Furculum
Coracoid brace wings against sternum
Pectoral girdle in tetrapods
Connection between pectoral girdle and skull is lost in fossil and modern amphibians-allowing for more freedom of movement of head
Cleithrum and clavicle are long, slender rods located along anterior margin of scapula in primitive tetrapods
Fate of original coracoid bar:
- -becomes paired
- -forms a scapulocoracoid cartilage on each side with a glenoid fossa in the middle: scapula is above the fossa; coracoprecoracoid region is located below the fossa
Pectoral girdle in tetrapods (anurans)
Interclavible is new, diamond-shaped, unpaired element that appears first in fossil amphibians but is lost in modern amphibians
Cleithrum is rudimentary in modern anurans
Pectoral girdle in tetrapods (salamanders)
Dermal components are lost in modern salamanders
Much of the endochondral girdle remains unossified
Pectoral girdle in amniotes
Most reptiles:
- Cleithrum disappears early in reptiles
- Endochondral girdle similar to that of fossil amphibs.
- In crocs and dinos, glenoid fossa is formed by articulation of both the scapula and procoracoid, which meet at an angle at the fossa
- Dermal elements have disappeared into the plastron
- Pectoral girdle is triradiate
-Added a true coracoid
Therapsids and monotremes:
- Development of acromoin process
- Coracoid is fully developed in monotremes but is reduced to a coracoid process in other mammals
- Endochondral pectoral girdle similar to Dino’s
- Coracoids serve as wing braces against sternum
- Clavicle and interclavicle fuse to form furcula (“wishbone”)
Primitive mammals:
-Both paired clavicles and interclavicle present
Others mammals:
- Interclavicles are lost
- Clavicles are often reduced or lost in running and bounding forms such as ungulates and carnivores
- Bats have elongated clavicles and coracoid processes
- Entire coracoid plate, along with procoracoid, are lost in marsupials and placentals
- Original anterior margin of scapula develops a shelf-like process and acromion process which serve as attachment sites for muscles
- Scapular spine separate the supraspinous fossa from the infraspinous fossa
- Musculature that was originally attached to the coracoid plate has shifted to the scapula
Triradiate pectoral girdle in turtles
Anterior ventral prong=downward extension of scapula
Connected to clavicle plate embedded in plastron
Posterior ventral prone=procoracoid
Found in:
Lost in:
Snakelike lizards
Pelvic girdle
Lacks dermal components in all vertebrates.
Consists of 3 paired endochondral bones:
1) Pubis: located ventral and anterior to the other two components
2) Ischium: located ventral and posterior to the other two components
3) Ilium: located dorsal to the other two components
All three bones carry limb articulation in most vertebrates:
Acetabulular fossa
- Ilium articulates with sacral vertebrae either directly or via sacral ribs
- Pubis and ischium are primarily for muscle attachment
Pelvic girdle in the shark
- entirely cartilaginous
- main portion is the puboischiadic bar with 2 small spurs that are called iliac processes
- these cartilages are probably not homologous with elements of the same names in the tetrapod pelvic girdle
Pelvic girdle in tetrapods
Ventral part of pelvic girdle ossifies from 2 centers:
- collectively this ossification forms the pubioschiadic plate which:
- provides an area of origin of many of the hindlimb muscles
- obturator foramen is an opening b/t pubis and ischium
- -provides a passage for limb muscle nerves
Third element, ilium, lies dorsal to the other two.
Acetabulum develops above the puboischadic plate and forms from all three elements except in crocodilians.
The ilia are attached to the sacral vertebrae, and the pubis and ilium from each side fuse to each other along the midline
This creates a bony ring through which must pass the digestive, urinary, and genital systems (size of the opening is an important factor in vertebrates that lay large eggs or bear live young)
Pelvic girdle in frogs
Elements are ossified
Single slender element in the middle is the caudal vertebra (urostyle)
Two long slender elements on either side are the ilia
Ischia are fused into a single plate posteriorly, below which are the fused pubic bones
Pelvic girdle in dinosaurs
True dinosaurs are divided into 2 groups based on the structure of their pelvic girdle:
1) Saurischians (lizard-like hip):
- Triradiate pelvic girdle
2) Ornithischians (bird-like hip):
- Tetraradiate pelvic girdle