Lecture 1.1 Flashcards
In the field of learning, what are the two primary divisions?
Humanities and sciences
Composed of academic disciplines that make it distinctive in both content and method from the physical and biological sciences and from the social sciences.
True or false:Humanities deals with human phenomena.
Humanities derived from this latin word which means human, cultured and refined
With the words humanities origin in latin is
According to Panofsky, this is the quality which distinguishes man, not only from animals but also even more so, from him who belongs to the species homo with deserving of hoo humanus
the one who lacks pietas
babarian or vulgarian
respect for moral values which can only circumcribe with this discreted word
He said that man is the measure of all things
implying that humanities emphasizes the dignity and worthiness of a man
man is the measure of all things
According to Gabelo, it contains information that man ask questions about himself and the world he lives in
the sciences: the scientist becomes a learned man
The humanities; the humanist becomes a wise man
is to show characteristics of rationality, benevolence, and care
to be human
is to show good tastes and manners indicative of good , proper education
to be cultured and refined
Which has the important role in one’s growth and development?
He fell to the ditch while observing the sky
thales of miletus
Arts is derived from this latin word meaning ability or skill
to communicate beauty through beauty
Humanity’s most essential universal language
use to describe the images, reactions and feelings we have about objects of art
he said that art is difficult to define
they define art as something that brings us into direct communication with others and reveals the essence to our existence
martin and jacobus
he said wherever men have live together , art has sprung up among them as a language charged with feeling and significance
Sanchez et al (2012)
Art is everywhere; wherever men have lived together, art has sprung up.
-Art has no limit, and it rises about culture, races and civilization.
-goes beyond our existence.
Art is universal
Art is man-made, creation of man utilizing his thoughtful skill and artistry.
Art is not nature
In the reason that art is just an imitation of reality and nature
Art is artificial
Art that is created by god
art that is created by man
superficial or temporary
True or False: Art can never be natural because it is momentary in the constant transformation of change.
True or False: art cant change itself unless it is manipulated by the creator which is a man
Functions of Art
personal, physical, and social
An artist may create out of need for self expression or gratification
Personal functions
-trying to provide to aesthetic experience
-merely entertain others
personal functions
to bring order in disorganized and disorderly world.
personal function
use of creative arts as a forms of therapy and is a fantastic field that has proven to work wonders in may people’s lives.
Expressive art therapy
usually expresses collective ideas about human life in relation to the divine
religious art
is any search for ultimate values through the use of visual form
art of spiritual concern
-one cannot conceive society without art
-go beyond personal value
-with the intention of sharing responses to and opinions about life with others.
-when high values, it can be both social and financial asset
-art can have powerful transformative and restorative effects within society.
The social function of art
Art performs a social function when;
Influences social behavior.(political function)
Display and celebration
Its seeks to influence the collective behavior of a people. Example: Bayanihan
Influences social behavior (political function)
It is created to be seen or used primarily in public situation like fiestas, parade, etc.
Example; statues of national heroes
Display and celebration
types of Physical functions of art
form and function
community planning
the function of an object is generally essential in the basic form that it takes.
the shapes, sizes and different parts are harmoniously related to another and integrated in to an object that fulfills and tells about their particular purposee
form and function
The design of the building is determined primarily by its operational function.
Involves the effiecient organization of buildings, roads, and spaces so that they meet the physical aesthetic needs of the communty
Community Planning
Assignment of areas for proper land use
Residential Districts
Industrial and commercial areas
Civic centers
Parks, plazas. and malls
Street and roads
To get away from overcrowded downtown districts adn the attendant problems and settle in areas where it is possible to blend the charms of rural living with the convinience of urban living.
Residential Districts
-located near the source raw materials
-can be cluster of small neighborhood stores
-easily reached by a car
Industrial and commercial areas
-structures where the functions of government ca be efficiently carried out
-be symbolic of community dignity and pride.
Civic Centers
-Balance between man-made structures and natural areas is answered
-provide some relief from problems such as air and water pollution
Park, plazas, and malls
Transportation must function with reasonable ease and rapidity from one area to another
Streets and roads
are large or small according to their function
streets and roads
-man things remain the same in shape throughout the years because their functional requirements do not allow for greater variations in their form
Function and beauty
No amount of emperical natural and social science could make us abandon the wisdom that to encounter the worlc is to encounter it multidimensionally and never in fragmented ways, but always through a specific perspective.
Art as aesthetic performance
to grips with the aesthetic experience or the manner in which make sense of the world as we see, touch, hear, taste, feel, and intuit it.
Art as an aesthetic perfomance