Lecture 11-12 Flashcards
What are the laws of inheritance?
Segregation, independent assortment, linkage, and recombination
What are the two hypothetical ways for gene X to activate gene Z?
X activates Y which activate Z, vs X inhibits Y, which is an inhibitor for Z
What is epistasis?
When the expression of one gene can effect the expression of another (i.e. repression, inhibition)
What is the normal function of ced-3 and ced-9, and what is their relationship genetically?
In ced-9 mutants, all cells undergo apoptosis. Ced-9 protects cells from death, while ced-3 promotoes cell deaht. However, in ced-3/ced-9 double mutants, no cells die. Ced-9 normally inhibits ced-3 (which normally causes call death)
What are penetrance and expressivity (general)?
Terms that describe how a phenotype is expressed. A trait can be affected by an individual’s genetic background.
What is penetrance?
Penetrance is the percentage of the population with the genotype that shows the trait?
What is expressivity?
Expressivity is the degree to which a trait is manifested in an individual
What are some ways to forward genetic screen?
Mutagenize males (x-ray radiation, mutagens, transposons) to create mutations, and mate to wild type (+/+) females. Mate F1 mutants with wild type animals. Establish individual F2 mutant colonies. F2 sibling cross, backcross to F1, or other crosses SLIDE 11 OH
What does it mean for an allele to be hypomorphic?
A mutant allele with reduced gene activity is called “hypomorphic,” meaning it is marginally functional
What is linkage mapping?
Also known as genetic mapping. A way to identify a mutated or disease gene. Linkage mapping aims to find a common inheritance pattern between between chromosomal region/marker and a disease phenotype. Requires genotyping on large, multi-generation pedigrees.
How did scientists find the ob and db gene using linkage mapping?
Mated mice with very different genetic markers to introduce the markers to the chromosome region with the disease gene through meiosis. Scientists then find markers co-segregating the most with the phenotype (closest to the disease gene)
Which enzymes are often used in linkage mapping and why?
Restriction enzymes (as part of southern blot). Easier to isolate/identify certain genes from a small fragment of DNA
What is a helpful tool for linkage mapping?
Multi generation pedigree
Why is linkage analysis harder for complex traits (involving multiple genes)?
The relationship between phenotype and genotype is not as clear
How do scientists study more complex traits?
Association mapping