Lecture Flashcards
What are the 3 elements that define emotions according to Geetu orme
- Turning into the emotions of ourselves and others
- Understanding emotions in ourselves and in others
- Taking appropriate action on the emotional content that we find
What are the division of emotional intelligence according to Goleman
- knowing one’s emotions/self-awareness
- managing emotions/ impulse control
- motivating oneself/ optimisim
- recognizing emotions in others/empathy
- handling relationships/ interpersonal skills
Emotional intelligence elements according to le roux and de klerk
- emotional awareness
- emotional literacy
- emotional control
- moral sensitivity
- intergrate thoughts, feelings and behaviours
What are the 6 levels of awareness
- Knowing the feeling is present
- Acknowledging the feeling
- Identifying the feeling
- Accepting the feeling
- Reflecting on the feeling
- Forecasting the feeling
What is emotional awareness
Emotional awareness is the ability to be able to recognize the emotions of other people
With what does emotional awareness help
To be able to distinguish between several emotions experienced at the same time
Define emotional literacy
Ability to express one’s emotional state and communicate one’s feelings
Why are emotions important
- They are a ‘wake-up’ call which tells you that there is something that you should give attention to even if it is negative emotion
- They make you ask questions and bring you into action
What can the implications of suppressing emotions be
- steal your energy
- important to be emotionally fit so that you recognize all the emotions that you experience and take action in an effective way
What is the purpose of developing our emotional literacy
Precisely identify and communicate our feelings.
We must know how we feel in order to fill our emotional needs.
We must communicate our feelings to get support and understanding from others as well as to show emotional support and understanding to them
What is emotional control
Firstly acknowledge the fact that you do sometimes lose control
Accept your feelings, try to understand why you feel that way
Ask: ‘what will be the best way to handle the situation.’
As soon as opinion about situation has changed your feelings will change bc you feel more in control
Emotional control is not equal to suppression of emotions
What thoughts should we change to control emotions
A: situation
B: thoughts
C: feelings and behaviour
How do you learn emotional intelligence
- Identify emotions experienced
- Prove a way to act on / handle the emotion
- The learning situation, where discussion takes place and positive changes can be made
What is empathy
The ability to understand another person’s feelings, or, at least their emotional reactions to things.
It’s about being able to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.
What are some techniques that can be used to express empathy
- Acknowledging feelings
- validating feelings, helping the person feel justifies, normal, less alone and understood
- Explaoninh my positive intent in a way that explains how my actions are for their sake
How to validate emotions
You accept another person’s feelings and you let them express them
What is invalidation
Feelings are rejected, ignored, minimized, mocked, judged e g