Lecture 10, Slide 4: Take 1 Flashcards
The embryonic epiblast differentiates into what?
Embryonic endoderm, embryonic mesoderm, and embryonic ectoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the trachea and lungs?
Embryonic endoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the allantois?
Embryonic endoderm
The embryonic mesoderm differentiates into what?
Paraxial mesoderm, intermediate mesoderm, and lateral mesoderm
The paraxial mesoderm differentiates into what?
Myotomes, dermatomes, and sclerotomes
What is the embryonic origin of the axial muscles?
The myotome (from paraxial mesoderm)
What is the embryonic origin of the limb muscles?
The myotome (from paraxial mesoderm)
What is the embryonic origin of the dermis of the skin?
The dermatome (from paraxial mesoderm)
What is the embryonic origin of the axial skeleton?
The scleratome (from paraxial mesoderm)
The lateral mesoderm differentiates into what?
Somatic mesoderm and splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the limb skeleton?
Somatic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the parietal pleura?
Somatic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the parietal pericardium?
Somatic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the parietal peritoneum?
Somatic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the wall of the gut?
Splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the wall of the respiratory tract?
Splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of visceral pleura?
Splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of visceral peritoneum?
Splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of mesenteries?
Splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of myocardium?
Splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of epicardium?
Splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of endocardium?
Hemangioblastic tissue, which itself is from splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of blood cells?
Hemangioblastic tissue, which itself is from splanchnic mesoderm
What is the embryonic origin of the endothelium of blood vessels?
Hemangioblastic tissue, which itself is from splanchnic mesoderm
The embryonic ectoderm differentiates into what?
Outer epithelium of the body, and the neural tube
What is the embryonic origin of hair?
Outer epithelium of the body
What is the embryonic origin of nails?
Outer epithelium of the body
What is the embryonic origin of sweat glands?
Outer epithelium of the body
What is the embryonic origin of sebaceous glands?
Outer epithelium of the body
What is the embryonic origin of mammary glands?
Outer epithelium of the body
What is the embryonic origin of lens cells?
Outer epithelium of the body
What is the embryonic origin of the cornea?
Outer epithelium of the body
What is the embryonic origin of tooth enamel?
Outer epithelium of the body, via stomodeal epithelium
What is the embryonic origin of the inner ear?
Outer epithelium of the body, via the auditory vesicle
What is the embryonic origin of the anterior pituitary?
Outer epithelium of the body, via stomodeal epithelium
What is the embryonic origin of oral epithelium?
Outer epithelium of the body, via stomodeal epithelium
What is the embryonic origin of the anal canal?
Outer epithelium of the body, via proctodeal epithelium
What is the embryonic origin of the spinal cord?
Neural tube
What is the embryonic origin of the spinal motor nerves?
Neural tube, via spinal cord
What is the embryonic origin of sympathetic ganglia?
Neural crest (trunk)
What is the embryonic origin of sensory nerves?
Neural crest (trunk)
What is the embryonic origin of dentine of teeth?
Neural crest (cranial)
What is the embryonic origin of pigment cells?
Neural crest (trunk)