Lecture 10 - Recombination Flashcards
What is genetic recombination?
A process of breaking and re-joining DNA strands to create new sequences, leading to genetic diversity and evolution.
Name the four types of recombination.
Homologous (extended homology),
Site-specific (limited homology),
Illegitimate (no homology), and Replicative (via transposition).
What is homologous recombination?
Requires extended homology; used for genome stability, repairing replication forks and DSBs, and increasing genetic diversity.
What is site-specific recombination?
Relies on short homologous sequences and involves enzymes like recombinase to perform recombination at specific DNA sites.
What is illegitimate recombination?
No sequence homology is required, as seen when HIV integrates into the human genome using viral integrase.
How does transposition occur?
By transposable elements jumping between locations or creating and moving their copies.
How does HIV integrate into the human genome?
Via illegitimate recombination using viral integrase, often in actively transcribed regions.
What happens in HIV infection progression?
Silent integration → activation → production of viral particles → immune system compromise (AIDS).
What is the lysogenic cycle in bacteriophages?
Phage integrates as a prophage into bacterial DNA, replicating passively. Upon stress, it enters the lytic cycle to produce viral particles.
What is the role of site-specific recombination in bacteriophage λ?
Uses attP and attB sites for precise integration into the bacterial genome, facilitated by recombinase.
What is the role of homologous recombination?
Repair of DSBs, chromosome segregation, genetic diversity, and horizontal gene transfer.
Describe the process of homologous recombination.
- DSB resection → 2. Strand invasion → 3. Repair synthesis → 4. Holliday junction formation → 5. Resolution (crossover or non-crossover).
What is the Holliday junction?
A key structure in homologous recombination, resolved to restore DNA integrity.
What does Rad51 recombinase do?
Catalyzes strand invasion and repair during homologous recombination, supported by BRCA2 in humans.
What does recombination frequency (RF) indicate?
Reflects the physical distance between genes; RF < 50% indicates linkage, RF = 50% means genes assort independently.