Lecture 10: Observability Flashcards
Observability Definition
- Present state can be determined based on future outputs and inputs
Unobservability Mathematical Definition
yzi = 0; C(t)Iota(t,t0)x(t0) = 0 for t >= t0
Unobservable Subspace
Set of all unobservable states x at t0
Completely Observable
Unobservable subspace has zero vector
Every vector can be estimated based on future outputs and inputs
Constructability Definition
Present state can be determined based on past outputs and inputs
Unconstructability Mathematical Definition
yzi = 0;C(t)Iota(t,t0)x(t0) t <= t1
Unconstruable Subspace
Set of all unconstructable states at t1
Completely Constructable
Unconstructable subspace has zero vector
Every vector can be constructed based on past outputs and inputs
Observability and Constructability Relationship for LTI/V systems
- If syste is observable is constructable
2. If system is constructable is observable if inv(Iota) exists
Complete Observability for LTI Systems
- Completely observable if Q has full rank
Q = {C;CA;CA^2…CA^n-1} - PBH for every eigenvalue of lambda of A [A-lambda*I;C] has full rank
- Grammian is non-singular for all values t>t0
Duality Property for LTI systems (A,B,C,D)
Systems is reachable if and only if (transpose(A),transpose(C),transpose(B),transpose(D)) is observable
Why is observability dual of reachability
Taking the transpose of dual system yields controllability matrix and has full rank, thus observability matrix has full rank
Unobservable Subspace
Finding nullspace of observability matrix yields unobservable states
A-Invariance of Unobservable Subspace
If x is an element of unobservable subspace then Ax is also an element of unobservable subspace
Method for Finding Observability Canonical Form Transformation
U = (transpose(U1),transpose(U2))
inv(U) = (T1,T2)
U1 -> basis{span(Q)}
U2 -> n-p rows that make U2 non-singular
Observability Canonical Form State Space
x' = [A'11 0; A'21 A'22]x + [B1';B2']u y = [C'1 0]x + Du
Properties of Observability Canonical Transformation
- (A’11, C’1) is completely observable
- A’11 and A’22 are invariant
- A’11 -> observable eigenvalues
- A’22 -> unobservable eigenvalues
Observable for LTV Systems
- If grammian is non-singular then LTV is observable
2. N-Test
N0 = C(t)
Nj = N(j-1) * A(t) + N’(j-1)(t), j = 1,…,n-1
System is observable if [N0;N1;…N(n-1)] has full rank
Conditions for Observability of D.T.S
Observability Matrix has full rank
Constructability Matrix for DTS