Lecture 10: Expected Utility Theory and Risk Attitudes Flashcards
What is the problem of using expected value to evaluate risky alternatives?
- Expected Value fails to capture risk attitudes
- Many people are risk averse, they are willing to give up a part of the expected value to decrease uncertainty
- Better concept: Take probability weighted average of utilities instead 1
How can risk attitudes be analysed?
- Shape of the utility function
- Certainty Equivalent
- Risk premium
How can we rank risky alternatives?
Compare the Expect utility (EU) or the Certainty Equivalent (CE) but not the Expected Value (EV).
Utility function for risk-averse people
- concave
- u(EV) > EV
Utility function for risk-neutral people
- linear
- u(EV) = EV
Utility function for risk-prone people
- convex
- u(EV) < EV
Certainty Equivalent
CE (a) = Certain outcome that has the same expected utility as lottery a.
Risk Premium
RP (a) = Amount of expected value that the DM would give up to avoid the risk of the lottery (= 0 for a risk neutral person).
-> RP = EV - CE
Connection between EV, CE and RP
- The distance between EV and CE decreases the closer we are to one of the possible outcomes
How can we check how is more risk averse?
Use CE or RP:
- Lower CE = more risk averse
- Higher RP = more risk averse
Don’t use EU!
On what does the risk attitude depend?
The risk attitude is reflected by the strength and kind of curvature of the utility function.
How can we precisely measure the attitudes towards risk?
- Absolute risk aversion (Arrow/Pratt)
2. Relative risk aversion
Absolute risk aversion
Curvature can be measured by the absolute risk aversion coefficient.
Arrow/Pratt: r(x) = - u''(x) / u'(x) > 0 = risk averse = 0 = risk neutral < 0 = risk prone -> if r(x) > r(y); x is more risk averse
Relative risk aversion
Risk attitude is measured in relation to the consequence of an alternative.
r*(x) = x * r(x)
Constant absolut risk aversion (CARA)
- r(x) is constant for all x
- e.g. exponential utility function
- corresponds to increasing relative risk aversion
- Risk tolerance: R = 1/r(x) -> the larger R the more the individual is able to tolerate risk (constant here)
- For increasing wealth (invested amount) RP stays constant and CE increases by the same amount