Lecture 10 (Exam II) Flashcards
Identify the cell type
Are T cells and B cells distinguishable microscopically?
They are distinguished by their surface molecules.
What are the two major types of T cell receptors (TCRs)?
In which type of lymphocyte might you find a CD3 molecule?
T cell
CD3 acts as a signal transduction molecule for the TCR.
Learning objective 1
List the important surface molecules that distinguish T and B cells and describe their function.
T cell
- T cell receptor (never secreted)
- Two major categories: Alpha-beta and Gamma-delta
- CD4 receptor on Th cells: binds constant region of MHC II
- CD8 receptor on Tc cells: binds constant region of MHC I
- CD3 molecule
- signal transduction molecule for TCR
B cell
- B cell receptor (immunoglobulin with transmembrane region)
- Ig Alpha and Ig Beta act as signal transduction molecules
- Complement, Fc, and cytokine receptors.
What does CD stand for?
Cluster of Differentiation
CD terminology is used to describe molecules located on the cell surface.
What is the function of CD 11 and CD 18 molecules?
These are integrin adhesion molecules.
Describe the process of flow cytometry to classify cells by immunophenotype.
Antibodies (example: anti-CD8) covalently bound to dyes are added to cell populations. The antibodies will bind to their specific receptor and specific cell types (example: Tc cells) will glow specific colors.
The flow cytometry machine will then count the numbers of cells glowing different colors.
Describe the function of a fluoresence-activated cell sorter.
A machine that rapidly separates cells based on size or color.
Cells tagged with fluorescent antibodies can be assigned a charge and separated into different containers.
Learning objective 2
Explain how B and T cells are identified
T and B cells cannot be distinguished with a light microscope. They are distinguished through which surface molecules they express.
B cells express BCRs and the transduction molecules Ig Alpha and Ig Beta.
All T cells express CD3. Depending on T cell type, they may express CD4 or CD8.
T and B cells can be identified and counted through the process of flow cytometry. They can be separated into pure populations with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter.
Two theories exist for the generation of antibody diversity: the insructive theory and the clonal selection theory. Which is correct?
Clonal selection theory
B cells are not “taught” to make antibodies by being exposed to an antigen. Instead, each B cell has a specific B cell receptor. If that B cell happens to encounter its antigen, it will undergo the process of clonal expansion.
True or False:
All of the offspring of a single B or T cell have the same antigen specificity as the original cell.
When a B or T cell encounters its antigen, it will undergo mitosis to produce a number of daughter cells expressing the same antigen specificity. This process is termed clonal expansion.
What process is being illustrated here?
Clonal expansion
A lymphocyte has encountered its antigen and undergone mitosis to produce a number of daughter cells. Note how all daughter cells express the same antigen-specific receptor.
True or False:
During an infection with a specific pathogen, we will most likely see a monoclonal antibody population circulating in the plasma.
Pathogens have many epitopes. Thus, several different B cell populations will undergo clonal expansion, and the resulting antibody population will be polyclonal.
This process is termed polyclonal activation
When a B cell is activated, what 2 cell types are produced from its clonal expansion?
Plasma cell
Memory B cell