Lecture 10 - Economic Growth In Long-Run Equilibrium Flashcards
Production function in per worker terms, and what assumption do we have to make for it to work?
First assume CRS by adding z
zY= F(zK,zN)
Replace z with 1/n
Y/N = F (K/N , 1)
MPK formula
f(k+1) - f(k)
Where f(k) = F(k/n , 1)
I.e the output gained from an additional unit of capital per worker (k/n)
Thats the supply side: Now Household behaviour
What is the national income identity IN PER WORKER TERMS
y= C+I
Where in per worker terms…
y= Y/N
What is the consumption (c) function?
Where s IS MPS
So what is the national identity function now?
Sub in consumption function (2) into (1)
where i=sy through expanding brackets and rearranging
Capital stock - key determinant of output
2 aspects that influences/changes capital stock
Investment and depreciation
When will capital stock rise
If I>0
And remember from the national identity equation, i=I/N so also I/N>O
How to link investment to output.
- Learn graph pg 8. How can we find consumption per worker (c) or C/N?
- We know i = sy
And y=f(k)
So i=sf(k)
f(k) = F(K/N, 1)
- Consumption per worker (c=C/N) is gap in between y and i since what is not saved is saved.
Change in capital stock k equation
- what do we have to do to get the long run equilbrium in PER WORKER TERMS?
- Δk = i - δk = sf(k) - δk
δ is assumed a constant fraction e.g 0.1
- Set Δk=0 to get the long run equilbrium, which rearranges to get it IN PER WORKER TERMS
Steady state in long run diagram. State Axis’ and concept
If inv>dep, K increases (k₁ to k)
If dep>inv K decreasing (k₂ tok)
Y axis investment/depreciation (i=δk)
X axis is K (capital per worker)
K* is steady state, natural dynamics always bring k back to k*
What would an increase in savings do, and what would it look like on the steady state inv/dep graph?
Increase in investment, as I=sf(k) in per worker terms. (Remember s=MPS)
Higher savings means people can invest.
In graph, it will lead to a higher steady state point k*₂
How to include government budget in Solow model.
Use national savings
Sn = S+T-G , replace S for sf(k)d which is disposable income per worker.
Where t=T/N and g=G/N (taxation per worker, gov spending per worker)
So we get:
Sn = Sn/N = sf(k)d + t -g
National savings = disposable income per worker + taxation revenue per worker - gov spending per worker
Which makes sense if we think about it.
- If the Government spends taxes on capital in the same proportion as households (i.e s times t) , what will happen?
- If the government spends more on capital than households (s times t), what happens?
No effects on the equilibrium and we replace private capital with public capital.
- capital per worker (k) will be higher.
Note: assume productivity of capital is the same across public and private ownership so that f(k) is unaffected.
So far we have consider closed.
If we have open capital markets, what is the savings investment function in per worker terms
In open capital markets, remember
Sn = I+CF, or Sn - CF= I.
So in per worker terms
sn -cf =i
Where cf is CF/N. (Per worker terms)
What happens if cf<0?
cf (capital flows per worker) is negative, so CI>CO
There would be an increase in investment domestically, so k increases.
E.g let cf = -10
Sn - -1 is adding 10, so so k is increasing faster from k₀ since investment at k₀ is now even more bigger than dep.
Limitations of this steady state model
Cannot explained sustained growth.
How can we show output and living standards still grow
Consider population growth and technical progress