According to Tannock & Martinussen, are symptoms of ADHD diagnosed by standardized tests
No. diagnosis is based on a careful assessment of the behavioral symptoms
What are specific behaviors of ADHD?
- difficulty remaining seated
- poor follow through on tasks
- excessive motor activity- fidgeting, squirming
- short attention span
- distractibility
- inability to delay gratification
- shifting rapidly from one activity to another
- loses things; “space cadet”
What are possible speech-language characteristics?
- poor auditory memory
- continually saying “what?” “and” “huh?”
- poor story-telling ability (disorganized)
- poor pragmatics- interrupting, non-sequiters
what is non-sequiters
something totally off topic i.e., trick or treating and election conversation example in class
What is one way to manage ADHD?
- stimulant medication works to increase dopamine in the brain
what did Tannock & Martinussen say about managing ADHD?
Best is a combination of pharmacological and behavioral approaches
What are popular medications include?
- Cylert
- Adderall
- Strattera (not a stimulant; may not have much effect)
- Ritalin
- Concerta (time released- take one pill int he A.M., and lasts all day)
What did research through the National Institute of Mental Health show re what therapy is best?
Intensive medication management alone or in combination with behavioral therapy produced better outcomes than just behavioral therapy or the usual community care.
What are implications for intervention?
- Make sure students understand concepts such as before, after, more than
- Make sure students can use clocks to mark time
- Checklists
- use visual aids
- therapy rooms and classrooms should be highly structured
- keep external distractions to a minimum
- give student “movement breaks”
- discuss what “paying attention” is (listening, ask ?s when you don’t understand, sitting still, eye contact)
- Teach students to monitor their output so they speak in an organized fashion
- work on turn taking skills
- work on contingency- if they say something, it must relate to what the other person has just said
- work on memory, particularly for information presented auditorially- these students often forget things
- Work on pragmatics skills, particularly ways to join groups effectively
What did Kowalski 2012 say at the ASHA Schools Conference re etiquette skills?
- we can have social etiquette posters on our walls
- have children carry social etiquette cards
- video the children and show him
- social autopsy- analyze social errors
- who was impacted by it?
- how to correct it?
- how to avoid it in the future
What did Ebert & Kohnert, October 2011, Journal of Speech, Lang, and Hearing Research say re: ch with lang impairment, what else they most likely have (in addition to LI) and what do they have difficulty with?
- attention deficits
- they especially have difficulty with auditory- linguistic stimuli as opposed to visual stimuli
What are things we can do to help kids with LI and ADHD?
- 1:1
- help them get organized
- give them extra time to complete tasks- they often especially have trouble on time tasks
What did Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 say?
- civil rights statute that prohibits schools from discriminating against ch with disabilities
- eligibility is based on the existence of a physical or mental condition that substantially limits a major life activity
- ADHD students qualify for classroom accommodations if they can’t learn under typical circumstances
What are some accommodations can be made for kids with ADHD?
- signs, schedule for assignments
- sit up front, let them move around
- binders/ binder shakedowns
- repeat important information
- teacher reward for focusing
- 1-2 directions at a time
What did research show about African American students, especially boys?
They are referred for ADHD at much higher rates than they should be
- we have to be careful not to be racist
What are the gifts of ADHD?
- creativity
- ability to think outside the box