Lecture 10 Flashcards
Why develop new food products?
- new innovation
- prodcut life cycle
- loss of market value
- consumer demands
- niche markey
- competion trends
- new technology
- government legislation and regulations
What are the aspects of new food product development?
- growth: line extensions (oreo making bite size version), new products, packaging
- productivity: reduce cost, formulas, procedures, packages
- improve quality: to be more compitive
- brand maintance: confromance, meeting requirments, sustainlibility
What are the emerging consumer trend preferences in terms of:
1. demographics
2. convience
3. enviormental stewardshop
4. desire for info
- shifting demographic to an aginng population, millenials who have a bigger budget for healthy food, baby boomer, ethinic diversity through immigration
- imediate consumption, ready to eat, single portions
- prduction, food waste reduction, local
- want to be more healthing, personal choices, values, desire for clear lables
What are the pressures in the marketplace?
- sustainability: food supplu, demand, enviromental impact
- assurance standars: more regulated, private standars
- traceability, data management
In what areas are innovated ingredients needed and why?
- want more nutrional profile, fortification, sumplemenys in food
- less food addtives, sweetners, less colors
- replacement ingredtants: sodium, trans-fat replacements and alternitive protiens
- adding value ingredients like novel fibers, antiozidants, proand prebiobtics
What are the emerging technologies?
- biotechnology: genteically engirned food
- nanotech: food processing/perserving
- packaging
- applied technologies like 3d printing
What is the general life cycle of a product?
What are some considerations to make before begining to develop a product?
- is there a need for this product?
- is the market ready for this product?
- is the market already full of this products?
- will it make money
- are tehre enough ingredients?
- what is the cost?
- is it feasible to make this bigger?
- are there standards to be followed?
What are the steps of new product development and what must be done?
- concept design and idea creation
- prelimanry product screening
- food product developemtn
- product scale up and testing
- prodcut launch and comerlization
- a timline must be defined for each stage and each stage has a milesetone that must be reached to move to the next
Define step one of food product development: main idea, descision, deliverables and outcomes.
- define product ideas
- decision: should we invest in a small working team for feasability study?
- deliverables: evualtion of ideas/concept for techinca; feasbility befpre validation
- outcome: clear picture of capability of company, idea of market and consumer tragest, idea of contraints, many product ideas
define step 2 (preliminary product screening): main idea, decision, deliverables
- study reduces ideas down
- decision: should we mobilize resources to start developing selected product?
- deliverables: translate validated product ideas in clear product specifications
Define step 3 (product develpment): general idea, decision, deliverables.
- development of around 5% of products identified from screening and then requires multiple tests and desicions on packaging, sensory,practicality, ingredient interactions
- decision: should we advance and scale up?
- deliverables: product development according to specifications, validation processes,prepare for scale up
Define step 3 (scale up): main idea, decision, deliverables.
- makes sure product works in large scale prodcution
- decision: shpuld we proceed with comerical manufacturing of this product?
- deliverables: validations of solutions developed on a comercal scale and transition to distrubtion