Lecture 1 + WA Flashcards
Why are tests needed to measure things like working memory?
Psychological constructs are unobservable, as such you need test items (a measurement instrument) to quantify the individual differences within the construct and make it observable
There are six main ways in which psychological tests differ, which are these? And how?
Content (dependent on construct
Response (open-ended vs close-ended)
Method (individual vs group)
Use (criterion referenced or norm referenced)
Timing (speed tests vs power tests)
The meaning of indicators (formative vs reflective)
What is the difference between criterion and norm referenced tests?
Criterion referenced determines if someone passes a certain cut-off and norm referenced copares the scores to the population
What is the difference between speed and power tests?
Speed tests have a time limit, the questions are relatively easy and the point is to see how many questions someone can answer within the time limit.
Power tests do not have a time limit and provide a range of difficulty levels to see which questions can be solved
What is the difference between formative and reflective measurement?
Reflective measurement assumes the construct to cause differences in the test scores and item responses are indicators of the construct, the items are also necessarily correlated.
Formative measurement assumes the item responses (indicators) define/cause the construct and items are NOT necessarily correlated
Is formative or reflective measurement more commonly used in psychological tests?
What are six challenges in psych measurement and what do they mean?
Reactivity (of subjects)
Observer bias (expectation of researcher may affect results)
Composite scores (multiple items need to be combined into one)
Sensitivity (Uknown beforehand, balance between too few and too many categories)
Awareness (test administrators may not know about psychometric qualities of a test)
What is the dimensionality of a test?
The number of constructs a test measures
What is the difference between a unidemensional and a multidimensional test?
Single construct vs multiple construct measure
There are three types of multidimensional tests, which are these and how do they differ?
w/ uncorrelated dimensions (constructs do not correlate, highly unlikely in practice)
w/ correlated dimensions (constructs do correlate, i.e., big-5)
w/ higher-order factor (general construct is correlated to lower constructs, i.e. WAIS-V - general intelligene has smaller subsets)
What is factor analysis?
A statistical method to study the dimensionality of a test
There are two types of factor analysis, which are these?
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) = there is no theory about the factor structure
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) = There is a clear theory about the factor structure (not covered here)
There are four steps for EFA, which are these?
Correlation matrix, checking the eigenvalues, selecting a number of factors and interpreting those factors
Why is a correlation matrix needed for EFA?
Correlations between dimensions may indicate commonality between them (i.e., spanish and english being correlated may be due to a higher order language skill being needed)
Eigenvalues need to be calculated for EFA, what are these used for?
These are used in determining the amount of factors within EFA
How do you determine how many factors there are in EFA?
Through the eigenvalues and a scree plot, the “cut-off” point or inflection point show you where the difference is no longer significant.
i.e., if there is an inflection point at three, there are two factors
see slide 18 lecture 1 for visualization
What is the factor loading?
Correlation between item and factor
Factor loadings can either be a simple structure or more realistic, what is the difference?
Simple structure means that your dimensions correlate perfectly with their supposed factor, realistic ones show a more diverse correlation across the board (although hopefully still clearly correlate to the correct factor)
There are certain tricks one can use when the factor loadings are unclear, which are these?
Orthogonal rotation (varimax or direct oblimin). With varimax you rotate the axis (equally), this will provide clearer factor loadings. with oblimin you reduce the angle, which shows an even clearer factor loading