Lecture 1 : ‘Understanding development.’ Flashcards
what are 5 issues that we have in this world?
-population growth, food access, climate change, migration, and healthcare
why is the population shifting?
shifting East and South. Most population in the world is in Asia and Africa and they are the youngest. The reason is the falling birth rates in developed countries. And the birth rates in the East and South are very high.
Is population shifting a problem?
yes, the birth rate is not being met in the north will cause an older population and fewer working people.
Is the world getting more prosperous in general?
The world is more wealthier now compared to the past. However, the distribution of wealth has not been fair because a small group and people or countries have the most wealth, which results in a gap.
Is the world developing? Are we reaching an end point?
Yes, there is some development in each country and there are a few countries that are severely underdeveloped.
However different types of development, and depends on which type you are looking at to determent what is developed and what is not.
Where did the idea of development come from?
From the revolutions during the enlightenment and industrialization.
New ideas were introduced such as democracy, science, human rights, and empowering people.
what happened during industrialization?
-moving from an agrarian to manufacturing economy
-exponential leaps in productivity
-increases in standard of living
what happened during colonialism and imperialism?
Europe was lacking resources. they went to other countries to steal their resources.
- This led to colonial power becoming the richest, most developed countries.
- They did this on the back of other countries by exploiting their resources.
Is colonialism completely gone?
no, because there are different forms of it such as neo-collonialism= china. - Building infrastructure and controlling those and butting countries in debt.
- This creates certain sense of dependency
- This is not only in Africa but also in Europe
- Russia is a colonial/ imperial power
- It consists of several federal states with their own ethnicities and sometimes languages.
why do we keep talking about Africa when it comes to development?
- Larger than we think
- Fastest growing continent in terms of (population)
- 95% colonized (except Ethiopia)
what is wrong with Terminology of development?
it was invented in the 1980’s. It creates the North-South Divide.
- Is too simplistic because not every country belongs in the line.
- Also, not also the northern countries are developed
- Ukraine, Balkans, and Caucasus for instance.
- Not all south are developing countries
- Latin America for instance.
- It is important to know what measures we are using to define development.
why are the BRICS mentioned often?
- They are semi developed
- 41% of world population is here
- 24% world GDP
- 16% world trade
which makes them very important to include
what are the N-11?
- Next 11 countries to become the largest economies according to Goldman Sachs
- Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan. Philippines, South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam.
- Based on how large they, population and their potential
what are the CIVETS?
From economist intelligence Unit (embraced by HSBC)
They are emerging Markets:
- Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, South Korea
what can be observed about our understating of development?
- We measure development based on money
what are the 3 types of underdevelopment?
- Economic underdevelopment
- Societal underdevelopment
- Political underdevelopment
what is economic underdevelopment?
Money is important in developing
- Low GDP
- Highly unequal income distribution
- Poor infrastructure
- Limited use of modern technology
how do we measure economic underdevelopment?
How much money?
- GNI (Gross National Income)
- The money that is coming from anywhere else
- Per capita (divided by the population)
- GNI Index
- Inequality of income or wealth
- 0 is perfect equality
- 1 is maximum inequality
These measurements are mostly used by banks (World Bank) and financial institutions to describe developments
what is societal underdevelopment?
- High infant mortality (underdeveloped have this more due to poor health care)
- Low literacy enrolment
- Low school enrolment
- Malnutrition
how do we measure societal underdevelopment?
- HDI (human development index_
- Life expectancy
- Education
- Per capita income
- Used by the UN agencies
what is political underdevelopment?
- Weak governmental institutions
- Low levels of democracy
- A little western centric
how do we measure political underdevelopment?
Variety of sources to use to measure this. There is no one thing to use and you can make arguments based on weak or strong.
how did UN development goals develop?
first Millennium Goals
UN goals, failed
Replaced them with Sustainable Development Goals