Lecture 1 - Rule-based Expert Systems Flashcards
Fill in the blanks
In the ?, it was finally accepted that to make a machine solve an intellectual problem one had to know the solution.
1 word
Introduction, or what is knowledge?
Fill in the blanks
In other words, one has to have knowledge, ‘?’, in some specific domain.
2 words with “-“
Introduction, or what is knowledge?
? is a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject or a domain.
1 word
Introduction, or what is knowledge?
? is also the sum of what is currently known, and apparently ? is power.
1 word
Introduction, or what is knowledge?
Fill in the blanks
Anyone can be considered a ? if he or she has deep knowledge (of both facts and rules) and strong practical experience in a particular domain.
2 words
Who is generally acknowledged as an expert?
domain expert
Fill in the blanks
The ? of the domain may be limited.
1 word
Who is generally acknowledged as an expert?
Fill in the blanks
The ? is internal, and it is too complex to be represented as an algorithm.
3 words
Who is generally acknowledged as an expert?
human mental process
Fill in the blanks
However, most experts are capable of expressing their knowledge in the form of rules for ?.
2 words
Who is generally acknowledged as an expert?
problem solving
(2) Any rule consists of two parts: ? ??
1 word each
Rules as a knowledge representation technique
- If called Antecedent
- Then called Consequent
Antecedent AKA ? or ??
1 word each
Rules as a knowledge representation technique
Premise or Condition
Consequent AKA ? or ??
1 word each
Rules as a knowledge representation technique
Conclusion or Action
Fill in the blanks
In general, a rule can have multiple antecedents joined by the keywords ?, ?? or ???.
Rules as a knowledge representation technique
- AND (conjunction)
- OR (disjunction)
- a combination of both
True or False (Modified)
However, it is a good habit to avoid mixing antecedents and disjunctions in the same rule.
1 word
Rules as a knowledge representation technique
- False
- conjunctions
True or False (Modified)
The consequent of a rule can also have multiple causes:
1 word
Rules as a knowledge representation technique
- False
- clauses
(5) Rules representations techniques?
1 word each
Rules as a knowledge representation technique
- Relation
- Recommendation
- Strategy
- Directive
- Heuristic
Fill in the blanks
As soon as knowledge is provided by a ?, we can input it into a computer.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
human expert
Fill in the blanks
We expect the computer to act as an ? in some specific domain of expertise or to solve a problem that would otherwise have to be solved by an expert.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
intelligent assistant
Fill in the blanks
We also would like the computer to be able to integrate new knowledge and to show its knowledge in a form that is easy to read and understand, and to deal with simple sentences in a ? rather than an artificial programming language.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
natural language
? - Provides specialized knowledge and expertise in the specific area the expert system is designed for.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
Domain Expert
Fill in the blanks
The responsibilities of a ? is to supplies the facts, rules, and heuristics that form the knowledge base of the system and works closely with the knowledge engineer to transfer expertise in a structured format.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
domain expert
? - The ? is someone who is capable of designing, building and testing an expert system.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
Knowledge Engineer
? This person is responsible for selecting an appropriate task for the expert system.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
Knowledge Engineer
? He or she interviews the domain expert to find out how a particular problem is solved.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
Knowledge Engineer
? - The ? is the person responsible for the actual programming, describing the domain knowledge in terms that a computer can understand.
1 word
The main players in the expert system development team
The ? needs to have skills in symbolic programming.
1 word
The main players in the expert system development team
? - The ? is the leader of the expert system development team, responsible for keeping the project on track.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
Project manager
? He or she makes sure that all deliverables and milestones are met, interacts with the expert, knowledge engineer, programmer and end-user.
2 words
The main players in the expert system development team
Project manager
The ? contains the domain knowledge useful for problem solving.
2 words
Structure of a rule-based expert system
knowledge base
Fill in the blanks
In a rule-based expert system, the knowledge is represented as a set of ?.
1 word
Structure of a rule-based expert system - Knowledge base
Fill in the blanks
Each rule specifies a relation, recommendation, directive, strategy or heuristic and has the ? structure.
4 words
Structure of a rule-based expert system - Knowledge base
IF (condition) THEN (action)
Fill in the blanks
When the condition part of a rule is satisfied, the rule is said to fire and the action part is ?.
1 word
Structure of a rule-based expert system - Knowledge base
The ? includes a set of facts used to match against the IF (condition) parts of rules stored in the knowledge base.
1 word
Structure of a rule-based expert system
The ? carries out the reasoning whereby the expert system reaches a solution.
2 words
Structure of a rule-based expert system
inference engine
? It links the rules given in the knowledge base with the facts provided in the database.
2 words
Structure of a rule-based expert system
inference engine
The ? enable the user to ask the expert system how a particular conclusion is reached and why a specific fact is needed.
2 words
Structure of a rule-based expert system
explanation facilities
An ? must be able to explain its reasoning and justify its advice, analysis or conclusion.
2 words
Structure of a rule-based expert system - Explanation facilities
expert system
The ? is the means of communication between a user seeking a solution to the problem and an expert system. The communication should be as meaningful and friendly as possible.
2 words
Structure of a rule-based expert system - Explanation facilities
user interface
? A method of reasoning that starts with the facts and works its way forward to deduce new facts or reach a conclusion.
2 words
Forward chaining
? A method of reasoning that starts with a goal and works backwards to see if there are facts and rules that support this goal.
2 words
Backward chaining
?: It moves forward based on the available information. Best for situations where all facts are available and need to infer new facts.
2 words
?: Works backward from what you want to prove. Best for situations where you have a specific conclusion to prove and need to check if it’s valid.
2 words