Lecture 1 - Obstetric Anesthesia Flashcards
What physiological changes occur during pregnancy?
- Neurological
- Respiratory
- Cardiac
- Hematological
- Renal
- Gastrointestinal
What are the neurological changes in pregnancy?
- MAC is decreased
- Epidural space becomes smaller
- Cerebrospinal fluid volumes are decreased
- Epidural veins are engorged
- Increase to sensitivity to local anesthetics
What are the respiratory increases during pregnancy?
- Tidal volume increased ~40% at term
- RR increases ~15%
- Minute ventilation increased ~ 50 %
T/F: During pregnancy compensatory metabolic acidosis takes place by excretion of bicarbonate.
TRUE (This is due to the respiratory alkalosis that occurs from pregnancy)
PaCO2 decreased to ________ mmHg secondary to hyperventilation creating respiratory _______..
How does the body correct for respiratory alkalosis?
Excretion of bicarbonate maintains normal pH.
What What are the respiratory changes that decrease during pregnancy?
- FRC decreases by ~ 20%
- Expanding uterus displaces diaphragm cephalad
- Decrease dead space
- Slight decrease in airway resistance
Decreased FRC, coupled with increased maternal oxygen _________, can rapidly lead to materna ______ during indction of general anesthesia
- consumption
- hypoxia
T/F: Preoxygenation is NOT mandatory prior to anesthesia induction.
P50 of hemoglobin increases from 27 to __ mmHG.
Why does P50 change during pregnancy?
Aids in oxygen delivery to fetus
What will hyperventilation do during pregnancy?
- Decrease PaCO2
- Uterine vasoconstriction
- decrease placental blood flow
- Oxygenhemoglobin curve will shift to the left
Why would you use a small ETT and avoid nasal intubation of instrumentation of an OB patient?
Mucosal venous engorgement/edema
The pregnant patient has an increased plasma and red cell mass by how much?
~ 45 % plasma
~ 20% RBC
How much does the cardiac output increase?
How much does heart rate increase?
15-30 %
How much does stroke volume increase?
30 %
Progesterone _______ venous smooth muscle causing a decrease in the __________ vascular resistance of __%.
- increases
- peripheral
- 15
Cardiac output changes during labor. Name the phase and the elevation of CO in percentage.
Latent phase - 15%
Active Phase - 30%
Second Stage - 45%
Postpartum - 80%
T/F: The OB patient’s response to adrenergic drugs is blunted.
T/F: Cardiac atrophy can be seen on CXR in the OB patient.
T/F: There is a increase in plasma colloid osmotic pressure.
FALSE (DECLINE in plasma colloid….)
Give the description of Supine Hypotension Syndrome. (aortocaval compression)
~ 20% of term parturient will develop hypotension, pallor nausea and vomiting and diaphoresis when they lie flat
- May be seen as early as 20 weeks gestation
- Lateral uterine tilt position is best used
What are the hematological changes in the OB patient.
- Depressed cell mediated immunity
- Hypercoagulable state (Increased risk for pulmonary embolism)
- PT decreases 20 %
- PTT decrease 20 %
What coag factors increase in the OB patient?
What coagulation factors decrease in the OB patient?
What coagulation factors are unchanged in the OB patient?
What renal changes are seen in OB patients?
- Increase in renal blood flow
- Serum BUN and creatinine are MILD decreased
- MILD glycosuria and proteinuria are common
Renal blood flow and glomerularfiltration increased by about ____ % by __th week and remain elevated until delivery.
T/F: Competence of gastroesophageal sphincter is reduced during pregnancy.
What decreases gastroesophageal sphincter tone?
Placental gastrin secretion ______ acid scretion.
There is a 20% _________ in pseudocholinesterase levels but the ________ in volume of distribution counters any clinically significant __________ of NMB with succinylcholine.
What are the different methods of agents transferring across the placenta?
- Diffusion
- Bulk Flow
- Active Transport
- Pinocytosis
- Breaks
Fetal stores are __mL of O2 and consumption is __ mL/min.
How long can a full term fetus survive without oxygenation?
10 minutes
Describe the partial pressure of placental blood flow and how does fetus and mother circumvent this.
- Placental Blood Flow is 40 mmHg PaO2
- Fetal oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve is left shifted and mother curve is right shifted
- Fetal hemoglobin is higher than mother’s
T/F: Transfer of CO2 occurs by active transport of across the plecenta.
FALSE (….CO2 occurs by simple diffusion…)
How much CO is directed toward the uterus in the parturient?
10% (about 600-700cc)
How much CO is directed toward the uterus in a non pregnant woman?
50 CC
Of uterine blood flow how much goes to the placenta and how much to the myometrium?
80% placenta
20 % myometrium
What are three factors that influence uterine blood flow?
- Systemic blood pressure
- Uterine vasoconstriction
- Uterine contraction
T/F: Propofol and thiopental mildly reduce UBF via maternal hypotension.
T/F: Ketamine has no net effect at doses < 1.5 mg/kg on the UBF.
T/F: Volatile agents increase UBF secondary to hypotension but at < 1 MAC the effect is minor.
FALSE (Volatile agents DECREASE UBF…)
T/F: Nitrous oxide has negligible effects on UBF.
T/F: Opioids have major effect of UBF causing vasoconstriction.
FALSE (Opioids have little effect on UBF)
T/F: Low serum local anesthetic levels can result in uterine vasoconstriction.
FALSE (HIGH serum local…..)
Uterine blood flow may ______ With neuraxial analgesia as a ______ in maternal catechol levels _____ vasoconstriction, as long as _______ blood pressure is maintained.
T/F: Increased oxygen tension closes the DUCTUS.
What two factors will cause a R to L shunt through the ductus.
- Hypoxia
- Acidosis
What occurs during 1st stage of labor?
Onset of true labor until complete cervical dilatation.
What occurs during latent phase of labor?
minor dilation 2-4 cm
infrequent contraction
What occurs during active phase of labor?
progressive dilation to 10 cm a regular contraction (3 - 5 min)
What occurs during 2nd stage of labor?
Time from complete dilation until infant delivered.
What occurs during 3rd stage of labor?
Time from delivery of infant until placenta delivered.