lecture 1 - normal distribution Flashcards
What is precision (β) in the context of normal distributions?
- inverse of the variance
- 1/(σ^2)
- represents how concentrated/sharp the distribution is
How does precision change as variance increases or decreases?
- When variance (σ^2) increases, precision (β) decreases.
- As variance approaches infinity, precision approaches zero.
- When variance decreases, precision increases, resulting in a sharper peak.
Why is precision (β) used instead of variance (σ^2) in some cases?
- For brevity and convenience
- In Bayesian statistics and machine learning, expressing inverse variance directly simplifies equations.
How are precision and variance related?
- Precision is the reciprocal of variance
- σ^2 = 1/β
- β = 1/(σ^2)
What does the Probability Density Function (PDF) of a univariate normal distribution tell us?
- how likely a given value of x is, centered at the mean μ and spreading out based on the variance σ^2.
- The height of the distribution curve at a given value of x
What does (x−μ)^2 represent in the normal distribution?
- The squared distance from the mean.
- Values further from the mean have lower probabilities, creating a tapering effect on both sides of the curve.
What is the expected value of a univariate normal distribution?
- The expected value of x (first moment)
- E[x] = μ
What is the expected value of x^2 in a univariate normal distribution?
- The expected value of x^2 (second moment)
- E[x^2] = μ^2 + σ^2
- So it’s slightly higher than μ^2 as it accounts for the variance as well
How is variance derived from the moments of the normal distribution?
- Variance is the second moment minus the square of the first moment
- var(x) = E[x^2] - (E[x])^2 = σ^2
What are the properties of the normal distribution PDF?
- The PDF is always positive (N(x|μ,σ^2) > 0)
- the total area under the curve is 1
What is a multivariate normal distribution?
- A multivariate normal distribution is a generalization of the univariate normal distribution to higher dimensions.
- It describes the distribution of a vector of variables.
What are the key parameters of a multivariate normal distribution?
- μ: A D-dimensional mean vector.
- Σ: A D×D covariance matrix (symmetric and positive definite).
- D: The dimensionality of the data.
- ∣Σ∣: The determinant of the covariance matrix.
- x: a vector of variables
What does (x−μ)^T Σ^−1 (x−μ) represent in the multivariate normal distribution?
- It represents the “distance” of the vector x from the mean μ, scaled by the spread and orientation of the distribution.
- This term measures how likely it is to observe x given the distribution.
What happens when the covariance matrix of a multivariate distribution is an identity matrix?
- When the covariance matrix is an identity matrix, the variables are independent and not correlated.
- The distribution is spherical, with equal spread in all directions.
What changes about the multivariate distribution when covariances are introduced?
- When covariances are introduced, relationships between variables emerge.
- The distribution becomes elliptical, indicating correlations between variables.