Lecture 1: Neural Development and Cell Biology Flashcards
How does a cell differentiate?
Differential gene expression causes a cell to differentiate. It terms when and where a gene will be expressed. Controlled by different mechanisms.
What are the mechanisms behind cell differentiation?
Cell proliferation, cell specialization, cell interaction, and cell movement
What is cell proliferation?
Cells multiplying due cell division
What is cell interaction?
The way that cells talk to each other. If a cell is placed in the same scenario, it should react the same.
What is cell specialization?
The identity of the cell and where they become competent in their cell type.
What is cell movement?
How cells are able to morph and reorganize
What is accomplished through the development process?
Pattern formation of cells, cells become specialized, the embryo morphs and changes its’ shape, and cells differentiate.
How do cells become different?
Through different cascading mechanisms that are informed by the DNA found in the nucleus of the cell (i.e. SHH, Wnt).
Epigenetic control determines how, when and where the gene will be expressed.
How do one cell become two different cells?
Autonomous Mechanism: asymmetrical cell division where daughter cells receive different contents from parent cell. Sister cells are different.
Conditional Mechanism: symmetrical cell division where one daughter cell becomes different because of an external stimuli after initial cell division from parent.
How does the nervous system begin to form?
Through gastrulation the cells are rearranged into 3 cell (germ) layers: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. These cells can induce, respond, and signal to each other.
What does the frog gastrulation model show us?
Demonstrates how cells divide, gastrulation, and where neural cells are situated on the blastula.
Used to identify the development of the different nervous system parts.
Egg -> cell division -> blastula -> gastrulation begins
How was the location of the nervous system discovered?
The Organizer Experiment revealed that early neural cells where found at the dorsal lip of the blastopore region.
What is the organizer experiment?
During gastrula phase, the piece above the blastopore (dorsal lip) was taken from a donor embryo and placed in a host embryo. A second nervous system was created because implanted cells induced cells in the host embryo.
How would you probe a nervous system, pre gastrula?
You can’t. Mesodermal cells are needed. Isolate the animal cap and place in dish and you’ll only get epidermal tissue.
What role does mesodermal tissue play in nervous tissue creation?
When you wait until gastrula, you get nerve tissue suggesting you need an inductive signal from the mesoderm to ectoderm.
How would you test to make sure mesodermal cells are necessary for nerve tissue?
- Extract mesodermal cells from pre gastrula so it never interacts with ectoderm. Observe if you get nerve tissue.
- Take mesodermal tissue at different stages and add to extracted animal cap to see if you get nervous system.