Lecture 1: Molec Foundations Flashcards
Wha are the three unidentified cell theories?
1 - cells are the most basic unit of life
2- all living things are made from cells
3 - new cells are made from existing cells
What are some properties of life that cells display?
1 - order molecule reactions
2- energy processing
3- response to stimuli and resistant to environment
4- reproduction, growth and development
5- regulation of metabolism and material transfer
6 - adaption and evolution
What are the 4 macromolecules
1 - carbohydrates
2- lipids
3- proteins
4- nuclei acids
What is the monomers for all four macromolecules
1 - carbs - monosaccharide
2 - lipids - fatty acid + glycerol
3 - proteins - amino acids
4 - nucleic acids - nucleotides
What are the polymers from the macromolecules
1 - proteins - polypeptide
2 - carbs - disaccharide/polysaccharide
3 - lipids - triglycerol/ phospholipid
4 - nucleic acid - oligonucleotides/ polynucleotide
What are the bonds for all four macromolecules
1 - carbs - glycocydic
2 - lipids - ester
3 - proteins - peptide
4 - nucleic acids - phosphodiester
What are the roles of carbs
Decorate proteins to create signals, or the sugar can be the signal in itself
- Sugars (Carbs) —> ATP —-> energy
Nucleotides function
1 - Make DNA/ RNA
2 - providing energy (ATP and GTP)
3 - regulating cellular function (GTP)
What is GTP
The “regulatory” nucleotide
- controls when energy is released
What does the G protein do in GTP
They cut then GTP to release the phosphate which will create or release energy
What do GAPs do
The G protein will cut the phosphate from GTP thereby inactivating the enzyme
- there is a “GAP” with the phosphate missing
What do GEFs do?
GEFs regenerate G proteins by replacing the GDP with GTP
GTP is known as the regulatory enzyme, but we know that it is really ______________ working behind the scenes
What is the fluid mosaic model and the components
Cell membranes made from several different structures that allow for their flexible nature
- lipids
What is the base component of the fluid mosaic model
Lipid bilateral
Where are carbohydrates found on the FMM
Decorating the lipids and proteins NOT in the cytosine
Integral membrane vs peripheral membrane
Integral - is a protein that spans the entire width of the lipid bilayer
Peripheral - is a proteins hat only goes half way through the membrane
The 4 structures of proteins include
1 - primary : chain of amino acids
2 - secondary : the chains are connected by H bonds
3 - tertiary : (motifs) the chains made in the secondary step begin to fold
4 - quaternary : interaction of multiple peptides