Lecture 1: Key Themes Flashcards
What is physiology?
- how animals work
- not anatomy
- function not just structure
- how animals work in diff environmental contexts
- link structure and function
Adaptive physiology
- how challenges in environment effect physiology
- e.g. pollution in rivers, climate change
Ecotoxicology: chemical toxicity & tolerance. How pollutants affect organisms.
Integrative physiology
- no system / organ / tissue / cell / molecule exists in isolation
- all linked and working together
What does an animal need?
- O2
- H2O
-nutrients - temp
- to reproduce
- ‘A self-regulating process by which biological systems maintain stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.’ (Bilman, 2013).
- not a fixed state, a similar state
- a dynamic, steady state
- responsive to feedback mechanisms
NEEDS: sensor, set point, integrator, effectors
Feedback control
Negative feedback: response will reverse or cause opposite effect of original stimulus.
- Deviation in controlled variable e.g. fall in body temp below set point
- Detected by sensors e.g. temp monitoring nerve cells
- Informs integrator e.g. temp control centre
- Sends instructions to effectors e.g. skeletal muscles etc
- Brings about compensatory response e.g. increase heat production through shivering etc
- Variable restored to normal e.g. increased body temp to set point
- Leads to negative feedback to shut off system responsible for response.
Not all processes regulated by negative feedback
Physiological reset (or restasis)
- temporary increase in set point
- e.g. fever, increase in body temp helps fight infection
- some are short lived or permanent
- e.g. puberty, set point for producing sex hormones elevated
Not all processes regulated by negative feedback
Positive feedback loop
- e.g. during labour. Signal from mature fetus > uterus begins contractions > stretch sensors > mothers hypothalamus > pituitary gland > oxytocin secreted. > contractions are enhanced
- e.g. immune response, site of injury platelets produced & release clotting factors to recruit more platelets.
Response to environment
- environment acting on physiology
- if effect of environment too strong = disruption of homeostasis.
- or can have adaptive response
Adaptive responses
- change occurs in individuals own lifetime = phenotypic plasticity (=one genotype in individual can produce can produce many different phenotypes depending on environmental influence).
- e.g. O2, temp
- increased sensitivity in early life, e.g. exposed to low O2 concentration, animal develops particular physiological adjustments to better tolerate low O2 environment.
- changes in early life often irreversible = ‘developmental plasticity’
- multiple unknown mechanisms responsible e.g. epigenetic
- rapid & usually not heritable
- when something occurs naturally in environment -
- same changes as acclimatisation but induced in laboratory/experiment
Adaptive responses
- evolution by natural selection (organism with advantageous traits more likely to survive & pass on traits to offspring).
- changes in underlying DNA sequence.
- gradual change over generations
- heritable genetic adaptation
- carpe (fish) exposed to high levels of nitrate & temp
- these 2 stressors reduce available O2 (increased temp reduces O2 solubility)
- animal will acclimate
- physiological changes to allow animal to extract O2 more efficiently & carry more O2 around body
- carpe will increase gill surface area to allow more O2 transport from H2O into body tissue AND increase ventricular mass (increase in heart size & strength to pump blood cells around body)
- copepods (small marine plankton) along west coast of America, Vancouver (lower temps) at top, California (higher temps) at bottom.
- huge range of temps along coast (lower at top, warmer at bottom)
- study collected popualtions from diff sites
- first tested their temp tolerance AND performed acclimation experiment
- took populations & reared them at 2 developmental temps (20˚C & 25˚C)
- showed it was genetic adaptations. From California there is increased survival than populations in Vancouver. So they genetically adapted.
- California populations better tolerate temp.
- also populations reared at 20˚C always had lower survival than those at 25˚C
- so rearing them at a higher temp further increases temp tolerance. = Acclimation (a more rapidly occurring adaptive response)
- reasons they can tolerate increased temps due to heat shock proteins, allow organisms to repair DNA damage under increased temps
- so the populations surviving produce more HSP
Biological constraints
- limit course of adaptive evolution & animal physiology
- animals cannot continue getting bigger, faster, more fecund.
Due to trade-offs:
- energy use - having to enact physiological responses takes energy e.g. HSP.
- e.g. trade off between egg size & number of eggs in a clutch is down to energy
- e.g. trade off between speed & strength
- cost benefit analysis
Example of biological constraint
- size influences performance & is subject to constraints e.g. niche availability (is there niche available at that size?), food requirements (more food for larger species), environmental suitability, competition, predation.
What determines body size limits?
Metabolic demands:
- larger body size = higher energetic demands, more food intake, expend more energy in day to day life.
- Kleiber’s law (1932) - increase in mass leads to increase in MR, but this doesn’t have a symmetric relationship (every time double mass do not double MR), when double mass get increase of MR only to 3/4 of what you’d expect, MR~Mass^3/4, this is Allometric scaling = larger organisms have a lower MR per unit of body mass compared to smaller organisms.
- metabolic demands also depend on life history
- amount of energy/MR required to regulate body temp elevates for endotherms & is less for ectotherms.
- endotherms generally not as small as ectotherms
What determines body size limits?
Mechanical constraints
- Cube Law = 2 diff animals, on linear axis one is twice as big, SA is 4 times as big, vol is 8 times as big, there is gravitational FORCE acting on animal, force is 8 times as big, STRESS is what constraints size, stress = force/SA, stress is how the force is distributed across animals surface, there is twice the amount of stress acting on larger animals.
- mechanical stress doubles for every linear (length) doubling
- animals deal with that by increasing skeletal mass (increase strength of skeleton) to compensate.
- but this gets incapacitating (loose mobility as skeleton is dense & heavy)
What determines body size limits?
Ability to thermoregulate
- Bergmann’s Law (1847) = increase in latitude (further from equator, lower temp) leads to an increase in body size of the Swedish moose
- larger animals occur at cooler temps (higher latitudes) as they have bigger SA to vol ratio, so warm blooded animals (endotherms)able to retain heat better (as they usually bigger)
- smaller animals loose heat well but struggle to keep warm.
Small size VS large size animals
+ lower total food demand
+ lower skeletal pressure
+ easier to keep cool
+ easier to keep warm
+ more fat (energy) reserves
+ amount of food needed per Kg of mass is less
+ better defence against predators
+ wider range & search capacity
Mammalian (endotherms)
- lower size limits set by energetic demands (when too small , require too much energy to keep warm & do daily activities)
- higher limits set by mechanical stress (terrestrial) (weight of skeleton & agility) AND total food demand (marine)
Invertebrates (ectotherms)
- can be much smaller (do not need to use additional energy to keep warm)
- upper limits determined by structural constraints & O2 diffusion (insects don’t have circularly systems, O2 needs to diffuse into body)