Lecture 1 - Introduction Flashcards
What are Social Determinants of Health SDoH?
theconditions in which people are born,live,learn,work,play,worship, andage
Who do we practice within nursing? (i.e. what levels are we working at)
individuals, families, groups,communities, populations, systems and/or society
What is primary health care (PHC)?
the way health services are delivered, from birth to death, across the continuum ofcarein all settings
According to the World Health Organization (1946), how is health defined? How was health defined before this definition?
a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing
Before this health was thought to be ‘the absence of disease or infirmity’
What are some issues with the WHO definition of health?
- The word ‘complete’ implies that health is not a continuum.
- You can be healthy and have a disease
- You can be physically well and be unhealthy
What does it mean when stating ‘maximum health may be represented by maximum complexity’?
That maybe health is beyond biology
Maybe the most elderly people may be the vision of health because they have the most complexity
What were the earliest forms of healthcare in Canada?
- Indigenous medicine and healing practices were the earliest forms of healthcare in Canada in meeting the health needs of communities.
- Used traditional medicines and healing practices to provide healthcare and knowledge to the European settlers
When/what is the earliest form of community health nursing?
Earliest forms of community health nursing are traced to the 17th century New France and the Duchesse d’Aiguillon sisters
How did community health nursing develop in the earlier centuries within Canada?
- The grey nuns assisted with development of health services and education in communities in Canada
- Challenging conditions in the 19th century shaped the provincial organization and financing of the public health system and community health nursing
- Development of nursing was predominantly influenced by Florence Nightingale, but also influenced by Mary Seacole and Lady Aberdeen
How are the Duchesse d’Aiguillon sisters work still emulated in today’s community health nursing practice?
By focusing on health inequities the determinants of health, community outreach and advocacy
Who are the grey nuns?
Established by Marguerite d’Youville
- They were the first Canadian Community Nursing order and established relationships with First Nations people to learn about health and healing
What contribution did the grey nuns make to health inequities and for who? What form of nursing did they establish?
- The Grey Nuns understood health inequity and made significant contribution to providing access to health services, food, shelter, and education for the most vulnerable
- First form of ‘street outreach nursing’ in the early 1700s when the Grey Nuns began public health visits
Who was Canada’s first nurse and what did she stand for?
- Jeanne Mance, Canada’s first nurse, confronted political, social, and economic forces to establish a range of community health services that include the founding of the Hotel-Dieu Hospital.
- Mance provided direct nursing care, advocated for social justice and was the administrator of the hospital
What did Lady Aberdeen and the Victoria Order of Nurses (VON) develop? What was their dual mandate?
- They developed community health services for the rural and poor communities and immigrant women
- Dual mandate: charitable work among the poor and provision of affordable nursing care to the working and middle class
What was the cause of the socioecological challenges of CHN?
These challenges occurred due to immigration and the inability to provide basic health to settlers and Indigenous people experienced epidemics introduced by immigrants