Lecture 1 - Intro to Bacteria Flashcards
Study of Bacteria
Study of Viruses
Study of fungi and yeast
Study of protozoa (amoeba, etc.) and metazoa (worms)
Study of immunity
- resistance to infection
how are Bacteria named?
- classified into FAMILIES
- based on relatedness of genetic info (using rRNA for typing)
how do you recognize the Genus in an organism’s name?
Italicized and capitalized
Bacterial Shape: what does a -cocci bacteria look like?
small round bacteria
Bacterial shape: what does a STAPHYLOcocci look like
- cluster (staphylo-)
- small round bacteria
Bacterial shape: what does a STREPTOcocci look like?
- chain (strepto)
- small round bacteria
Bacterial shape: what does an ENTEROcocci bacteria look like?
- shorter chain, part of strepto- group
- small round bacteria
Bacterial shape: what does DIPLOcocci look like?
- two bacteria attached together
- small round bacteria
Bacterial shape: what does a BACILLI bacteria look like?
- rod-shaped bacteria
Bacterial shape: what does a DIPLObacilli bacteria look like?
- TWO attached together
- rod-shaped bacteria
- attached at the end
Bacterial shape: what does a STREPTObacilli bacteria look like?
- chain
- rod-shaped bacteria
Bacterial shape: what does a COCCObacilli look like?
- oval-shaped bacteria
- does not look like a rod
Bacterial shape: what does a Spiral bacteria look like?
- wavy-shaped bacteria
Bacterial shape: what does a VIBRIO bacteria look like?
- curved rod like a comma
Bacterial shape: what does a SPIRILLUM bacteria look like?
- longer waves/lazy waves
Bacterial shape: what does a SPIROCHATE look like?
- tighter waves/tightly coiled
What is a simple stain?
- procedure only involving ONE stain
When to use a simple stain?
- determine if a bacteria is present
- cannot tell bacteria apart if they are the same shape
What is a differential stain?
- procedure involving more than one chemical stain
What type of stain is a Gram stain?
Differential stain
What type of stain is a ZN/Acid-fast stain?
Differential stain
What is Gram stain?
- method used to stain bacteria and separate into TWO groups
- based on cell wall structure -> amount of peptidoglycan
What are the TWO groups bacteria are separated into when Gram staining is used?
- Gram Positive
- Gram Negative
Describe and list the steps in a Gram stain procedure
- Make slide from specimen and “fix” it using heat or methanol
- Add crystal violet (primary stain)
- Wash CV off after 1 minute and Add iodine (mordant)
- complexes with CV and makes a larger molecule that is trapped inside the cell - Wash iodine off after 1 min
- Decolourize with acetone-alcohol mixture. Stop until all the blue stain stops draining off the slide
- Add counterstain (safranin) to stain any unstained bacteria
- Wash counterstain off and let the slide dry
What colour will a Gram POSITIVE bacteria appear?
What colour will a Gram NEGATIVE appear?
What type of organism are bacteria?
Prokaryotic (no nucleus)