Lecture 1 - Intro : Maternal Factors to Development Flashcards
What are the periods of Development? Give examples of what happens in each.
Conception to birth - Prenatal - most rapid period of change
0-2 - Infancy - 2 year cycle of development
2-6 - early Childhood - Lots of physical changes, height growth etc + emerging sense of morality
6 - 11 - Middle Childhood - increased pariticipation in sports + learning more about wider world
11 - 18 - Adolescence - Sexual maturation stage
>25 - Adulthood
What are some central questions ask about Developmental Psychology?
Ask whether development happens in stages or continuous?
Where children perceive the world as we do?
Is development hard wired or depend on the context?
Are talents fixed at birth or can we learn them?
Do children follow the SAME sequence of development or does it vary?
Does childhood personality maintain through adulthood?
Do adverse experiences at childhood have irreversible effects in their adulthood?
What factors offer protection/resilience against early childhood adverse experiences?
Warm paternal relationship
Social support outside family
community resources and opportunities (youth clubs, clinicians etc?)
What is the Ecological systems theory?
Development is influenced by microsystem (individual + family), ecosystem (extended family, workplace, health services) and macrosystem (Laws, values) which all interact.
What is the main idea of the The epigenetic framework?
It states that both nature and nurture interact bi-directionally when it comes to development. That is genes interact with behaviour which has an intereaction with the environment
What is the main premise of the Dynamic systems view of development?
This is a pathway type view of development which each person has genetic, biological and environmental differences which send them on different pathways of development
What is the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)?
Its a guide for early childhood education which posits that stimulating learning context and involvement of both educators and families lead to better outcomes for children which is guided/supported by brain research on early childhood
Where does Australia rank in Children’s overall well-being?
Australia ranks 6th amoung economically advanced nations
What are teratogens? What does severity effect depend on?
Teratogens are environmental agents that act during the prenatal period. Severity effect depends on the AMOUNT taken and the LENGTH of exposure and TIME of exposure eg greater effect during SENSITIVE periods
Development of what system is highly sensitive throughout prenatal development? Which is the least sensitive period?
Central Nervous system sensitive throughout all periods of prenatal development. Fetal period is the least sensitive as it the end period and closer to birth (versus embryonic period)
Name the 5 types of Teratogens?
Drugs (prescription, non-presciption, illegal)
Alcohol (uses up more oxygen and depletes in baby, leading to fetal alcohol syndrome if intake is high enough)
Radiation, Environmental Pollution
Viruses/maternal diseases
What do most Teratogens have an effect on?
Low birth weight of child
What are some effects of Fetal alcohol syndrome?
facial abnormatilities, mental impairments and failure to catch up, small head circumference
What trends have pregnant women had over the last 10 years?
Women who did not drink alcohol at all increased from 2001 to 2010
What are 4 other maternal factors which affect child?
Strenuous exercise, Malnutrition, maternal stress, maternal age