Lecture 1: Intro kidney fxn Flashcards
What are the functions of the kidney?
Regulation of water + electrolyte balance
Regulation of acid-base balance
Excretion of metabolic waste
Excretion of hormones, drugs, and their metabolites
Regulation of BP
Regulation of RBC production
Synthesis of vitamin D
Define balance, explaining why long-term balance at steady state must equal zero for water and electrolytes
Balance = input - output
Must maintain constant ratio of solutes to water = constant plasma osmolality
How does kidney regulate water and electrolyte balance?
Kidney adjusts excretion of water and electrolytes to achieve balance in spite of wide variations in dietary intakes and non-renal losses => maintain constant plasma osmolality, Posm
How do kidneys regulate acid-base balance?
Regulate bicarbonate excretion
Synthesize new bicarbonate
What are metabolic wastes the kidneys excrete?
Uric acid
Miscellaneous pigments (from heme)
How do kidneys regulate arterial BP?
Maintains BP and effective circulating volume (by regulating extracellular fluid volume) @ level needed to stay in sodium balance
Role in regulation of vascular resistance
What is regulation of RBC production controlled by?
Erythropoietin (stimulates bone marrow to make more)
When is erythropoietin secreted?
Secreted by kidney in response to hypoxic conditions
What is the kidney’s role in vitamin D synthesis?
Converts vitamin D3 into active form = calcitriol
Define homeostasis
Tendency of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment
Distinguish between superficial cortical, midcortical, and juxtamedullary nephrons based on location of glomerulus and length of loop of Henle
Superficial cortical
Surface of cortex
Mid cortex
Bottom of cortex, before medulla
Describe in sequence the vessels through which blood flows when passing from the renal artery to the renal vein
Renal artery
Segmental artery
Interlobular/Arcuate/Interlobular artery
Afferent arterial
(blood to individual nephrons!)
Efferent arterial
Peritubular capillaries or Vasa Recta
(If cortical / juxtamedullary nephron)
Interlobular, arcuate, interlobular vv.
renal vein
Identify an unique feature of the kidney’s vascular bed
Renal vasculature includes TWO capillary beds in series
Describe the 3 layers comprising the glomerular filtration barrier
Capillary endothelium
Basement membrane
Epithelial cells of Bowman’s capsule
Describe in sequence the tubular segments of the nephron
Proximal tubule
(Consulted + straight portions)
Loop of Henle
(Ends with tightly packed macula densa)
Distal nephron
(Distal convoluted, connecting tubule, collecting duct)
How do structures differ of epithelial cells in proximal convoluted tubule vs. collecting duct?
Brush border and more Leakey because not as much ‘tight’ tight junctions
What are the segments of the Loop of Henle?
Thin descending limb
Thin ascending limb **
Thick ascending limb
Ends @ macula densa
**only for long-looped nephrons
What is the function of the macula densa?
Monitor solute delivery and flow to distal nephron
What is the juxtaglomerular apparatus comprised of?
Macula densa
Extraglomerular mesangial cells
Granular cells (secrete renin)
What are two forms of feedback provided by having tubule loop back and return to corpuscle?
(1) tubuloglomerular feedback
- macula densa cells send signals to afferent arteriole to regulate glomerular filtration and renal blood flow (RBF)
(2) regulation of renin secretion
- macula densa cells send signals to granular cells
What are segments of collecting duct?
Cortical collecting duct
Outer medulla
Inner medulla
Where is the “end” of a nephron unit?
Connecting tubule
Collecting ducts are part of urinary tract
What is the function of the renal corpuscle?
Glomerular filtration
What is the function of the tubule?
Modifies composition of tubular fluid (TF) in order to make urine
These modifications involve processes of tubular reabsorption and secretion