Lecture 1: Intro & Blackbody Radiation Flashcards
quantum mechanics was proposed at nearly the same time using two different but equivalent formulations:
wave mechanics
matrix mechanics
wave mechanics
following the de Broglie idea about matter waves
matrix mechanics
uses non-commutative algebra and associates to each physical quantity and physical observables a matrx
body that totally absorbs all radiation that falls upon it
is in thermal equilibrium so also must be perfect emitter (emits across all wavelengths)
emitted radiation depends only upon
the radiator’s temperature and the total emissive power or total emittance or spctral radiance
follows stefan-boltzmann law
a typical classic model for a perfect blackbody
black cavity with a small hole
all the light entering is reflected multiple times across the black walls and is absorbed.
cavity is in thermal equilibrium, the emitted radiation depends only on its temperature so that cavity emits like a black body
stefan-boltzmann law describes the
total emittance ie the emission power per unit area at all wavelengths
the emssion spectra of black bodies depend only on
their temperature
how were physicists already aware of the shape on EM power spectrum in the 1890s
the bolometer
Wien’’s law/ Wien’s approximation/ Wien’s model
NOT Wien’s displacement law
good model for the observed spectrum at short wavelengths but is not accurate at high wavelengths
problems with the Wein’s approximation
works well at small wavelengths but not at high wavelengths
thermodynamical reasoning is not sufficient to derive an accurate model
wien’s displacement law
b= wien’s constant
T=absolute temp
Rayleight-Jeans model is based on
EM theory and standing waves
rayleigh jeans law is a good approximation to
the observed spectrum at long wavelength
big problem with the rayleigh-jeans law
the radiance keeps increasing indefinitely at short wavelengths
if it were true, the power emitted at short wavelengths would be infinite. This is the UV catastrophe