Lecture 1 - Electrophysiology Flashcards
What is the membrane potential?
The potential difference between the inside of the cell and the outside
e.g neurons have a membrane potential of -70mV because the inside is 70mV less than the outside
How is the resting potential of a neuron established?
Na+/K+ pumps bring K+ in and Na+ out Leaky K+ channels allow K+ to flow out down concentration gradient Anions cannot follow, electrical gradient builds up in the opposite direction Reaches an electrochemical equilibrium
What 3 preparations can electrophysiology be carried out on?
Dissociated neuronal cultures - neurons taken from rat embryo and grown into artificial networks on a cover slip
Acute brain slices
Whole animal
Give a pro and a con of dissociated neuronal networks
Pro - Easy to record from intracellularly
Con - Recordings aren’t taken under normal physiological conditions, neurons haven’t been developed in normal physiological conditions, can only be used to study early stage embryonic neurons, don’t know exactly what type of neuron it is
Give a pro and a con of acute brain slices
Pro - Local circuits remain intact
Con - Recordings aren’t taken under normal physiological conditions
Give a pro and a con of whole animal recordings
Pro - All circuits intact, can correlate brain activity with behaviour
Con - Technically very difficult
Briefly explain the two methods by which you can take intracellular recordings of the membrane potential
Sharp electrode - high resistance tip, pokes hole in cell body
Patch pipette - low resistance tip, wide tip sucks up part of cell membrane until it bursts, cytoplasm becomes continuous with inside of pipette
What is a benefit of using a patch pipette over a sharp electrode?
Patch pipettes allow you to perfuse the cell contents with a solution, to change ion concentrations
Allows you to carry out voltage clamp recordings
What is Ohms law? (with units)
Voltage (volts) = Current (amps) x Resistance (Ohms)
What affects resistance?
How easily current can pass through the membrane
Few ion channels, or closing ion channels, will lead to higher resistance
What is a current clamp recording?
The cell is stimulated by injecting a current
The voltage is recorded
This can be used to calculate resistance
When would you use a current clamp recording?
Monitors the effect of manipulations (drugs) on the membrane potential (voltage)
e.g. applying a drug that opens ion channels will decrease the resistance
How are EPSPs/IPSPs recorded?
Using a patch pipette, recording from the cell body of the neuron
During an EPSP, will the EPSC be positive or negative, and why?
Negative, as the amplifier must inject negative current to oppose the flow of positively charged ions
What is a voltage clamp recording?
Measures the current required to keep the voltage at a fixed level
The voltage/membrane potential is fixed at a certain voltage
The ion channel of interest is opened
The amount of current needed to counteract the flow of ions and keep the voltage fixed is measured