Lecture 1 - Diversity & Difference in Mental Health Flashcards
What is the definition of Health?
A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease
What is the definition of mental health?
State of wellbeing, cognitive functioning, ability to cope with stresses and work productively. Positive self esteem, absence of disorders.
What is included in the holistic approach to wellbeing?
Physical, emotional, psychological, self-actualisation, goals and productivity
What state is wellbeing?
A dynamic state - how people feel, function and evaluate their lives.
What is urbanicity?
Urban context - increases incidence of schizophrenia and bipolar.
What does the New Economics Foundation (NEF) (2012) model propose?
High wellbeing and functioning = positive feelings. Individuals flourish when they have good feelings about self, environment, security, and sense of contentment.
What does the Legislative Framework suggest about diversity and difference? (Humans Rights Act, 1998 / Equality Act, 2010)
- Public sector equality duties - work places, government and public sectors have a duty to eliminate unlawful conduct (discrimination, harassment, victimisation)
- Age, disability, gender, marriage, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation.
What is the Healthcare Policy Context? (The NHS ethos)
- Universal - the same standard of health care throughout the UK
- Comprehensive - covers all health needs
- Free - available to all citizens equally
What is the Practice Context?
- Epidemiology (disease prevalence)
- Predicts patterns of illness and needs - ageing population and dementia, obesity and diabetes
- Supports services - reduces inequalities
- Relationship between long term physical health conditions and mental health
How much more risk do LGBTQ+ individuals have to mental health disorders?
1.5 X higher risk of depression, anxiety and substance abuse
2-4 X higher risk of suicide in gay men
Which ethnic minority have a higher risk of being diagnosed with psychosis?
Black African / Black Caribbean descent
How much higher is the risk of Black African descent individuals and psychosis diagnosis?
6-9 X greater risk of Schizophrenia than white British
Do African / Black Caribbean people have higher rates of common MH disorders?
No - lower rates of anxiety and depression
What has been found about South Asian individuals and mental health?
Lower rates of suicide and depression in men, Higher in women !
What is the difference in life expectancy for men with mental health problems?
16 years
What is the difference in life expectancy for women with mental health problems?
12 years
How can children of parents with MH problems be disadvantaged?
- Young carers - roughly 175,000
- Greater levels of emotional, psychological and behavioural problems
- Poorer academic attainment
- Higher risk of mental health problems
What is the risk of mental health problems amongst deaf children?
- 40% deaf children experience MH problems compared to 25% hearing children
- 1/3 deaf children have depression and anxiety
- 90-95% of deaf children are born into hearing households
What difficulties do deaf children encounter?
- Can’t hear
- Communication difficulties
- Risk of bullying and social isolation
- Increased suicide
- Inequalities in access, experience and outcomes (limited BSL interpreters)
How much can deaf people lip read?
Only 26% of speech
Can’t read Jargon as not standard English
What is the Care Act (2014)?
Defines primary legal responsibility of authority to ensure wellbeing of individuals
What did service users find? - the impact of stigma
- Disempowerment
- Diminished credibility
- Avoidance by others
What needs to change to improve mental health services?
- Communication. Solutions to disempowerment and discrimination must start with mental health services
- Poor staff retention, under funded services, over-reliance on bio- medical therapies and failures to empower and listen to consumers