Lecture 1 - Cancer Biology and Approach to the Cancer Patient (Dr. Burge) Flashcards
- Closely controls cell growth and division
- Function is to duplicate DNA and divide it into two daughter cells
- Stress or DNA damage generally results in cell cycle arrest or apoptosis
This is describing…
The Cell Cycle
- A normal gene that is involved in cell growth proliferation
- If the_______________ is activated due to a mutation in the DNA, this causes continuous cell growth and division and leads to cancer formation
proto-oncogene (accelerator)
- cancer development
- Are genes that normally act to inhibit cell proliferation and tumor development
- If the _________________ is inactivated due to mutations in the DNA, this can lead to continuous cell growth and division -> leads to cancer formation
Tumor Suppressor Genes (braking system)
What is the most famous tumor suppressor gene?
- guardian of the genome
What is the following?
- Only need mutation in ONE allele to cause ACTIVATION
- Dominant gain of function
What is the following?
- Needs mutations in BOTH alleles to cause INACTIVATION
Tumor Suppressor Genes
- Recessive loss of function
List the Hallmarks of Cancer:
- Genome instability & mutation
- Resisting Cell Death
- Sustaining proliferative signaling
- Evading growth suppressors
- Avoiding immune destruction
- Enabling replicative immortality
- Activating invasion and metastasis
- Tumor-promoting inflammation
- Inducing angiogenesis
- deregulating cellular energetics
Chemical Risk Factors:
Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke increases the risk of …
- Feline lymphoma
- Canine nasal tumors, lymphoma
Chemical Risk Factors:
Pesticides increase the risk of …
- Urothelial Carcinoma in Scotties when exposed to 2,4-D treated grass
- associated with canine lymphoma development
- Oral squamous cell carcinoma in cats
Physical Risk Factors:
Sunlight (UV-B) exposure increases the risk of …
- Facial, aural, and nasal planum SCC in cats
- Cutaneous hemangiosarcoma (HSA) in dogs
Viral Risk Factors:
What is associated with Lymphoid cancers?
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) - oncornavirus
Viral Risk Factors:
What is associated with lymphoid and myeloid neoplasia?
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) - lentivirus
(T/F) Cats infected with FIV and FLV are 5.6x more likely to develop lymphoma or leukemia than if they had been infected with either virus alone
Obtaining a Diagnosis - Cytology
- Non-invasive/low risk
- Low cost
- No anesthesia/sedation is required
- Quick turnaround time
- Supplies readily available
- Often allows for tumor categorization
- Diagnostic for SOME tumors
May be insufficient for a definitive diagnosis
Fine needle aspirate (FNA) and cytology
Obtaining tissue specimen for histopathology
What is the most common site for distant metastasis?
Where is it? - evaluating lymph nodes
Lymph node evaluation is important for tumors that commonly metastasize via lymphatics:
- Epithelial tumors (carcinomas)
- MCTs
- Melanoma
The first lymph node to which cancer cells are most likely to spread from a primary tumor
Sentinel lymph node