Lecture 1 and 2 Quizzes Flashcards
How do we define learning vs memory?
Acquisition of information vs storage and recall
What technique, developed in 1990, allowed us to begin to study brain function in intact humans rather than just post-mortems and animal experiments?
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
What was the major difference between the surgery William Scoville carried out on HM in 1953 compared to the previous surgeries carried out by Wilder Penfield?
It was bilateral- previous surgeries had only been unilateral. There is a lot of literature on cross-connectivity in the brain and loads of disconnection studies in humans and animals.
Where in the brain is the short-term working memory buffer believed to be?
Prefrontal cortex
What were Brenda Milner’s 2 main findings about patient HM post-surgery?
HM cannot form new conscious (declarative) memories but also could learn procedural tasks (mirror drawing)- therefore providing the first evidence that there must be an anatomical distinction between these 2 types of memory (declarative and procedural)
Brenda Milner’s studies of HM led to the definitions of which types of memory?
Explicit vs. implicit
What makes Aplysia Californica a useful model system for studying learning and memory?
A simple nervous system arranged into ganglia with large nerve cells generates a range of behaviours.
What 4 types of earning can Aplysia display?
Sensitisation, habituation, classical conditioning, operant conditioning
Is protein synthesis necessary for memory?
Yes for the long term but not for the short term.
What’s the neuromodulator involved in Aplysia gill withdrawal reflex sensitisation?
What happens with cAMP after multiple stimuli leading to LTM vs a single stimulus leading to STM? (ie where does it additionally relocate)?
What neurotransmitter/modulator in the hippocampus is the mammalian equivalent of serotonin in the Aplysia?
What is the timescale of early vs late LTP?
Early up to 90 mins vs late up to days (even weeks/months)
Which type of memory involves the POSTsynaptic cell?
Which type of memory involves the PREsynaptic cell?