Lecture #1: Anatomical Direction & Movement of Bones Flashcards
Describe neutral anatomic position.
This refers to when the body is standing in a neutral position: straight standing, feet together, palms forward.
Define articulate (articulation)
Where two surfaces or structures come into contact with each other (i.e where two bones come together to form a joint)
Define palpate
This means to examine by touch. This helps introduce your touch to the client as well as observe things you cannot from the other senses (i.e feel temperature and texture)
Define flexion
The bending of a joint, decreases the angle of the bones in a joint (i.e to flex your bicep you will bend the elbow and bring your hand or fist closer to your shoulder)
Define extension
Straightening out the joint, bringing it out of flexion back into neautral position, increasing the angle of the joint ( i.e straightening your elbow)
Define abduction
Movement of a body part away from the midline (i.e if I move my arm away from my body I am abducting it away from the midline of my body)
Define adduction
This is a movement of the body towards the midline.
Define opposition
This is in reference to the thumb. It is the movement or action of touching your thumb to your pinky finger. This is the only part of the body where we are cabable of performing oppositiion.
Define reposition
Returning the body to neutral position.
Define supinate
Rotation of the forearm away from the midline resulting in palms facing upward.
Define pronate
Rotating the forearm towards the midline resulting in palms down.
Define circumduction
The act of moving a structure through its entire axis. Not a “pure” movement. (I.e when swimming or throwing a ball you move your arm around an axis to omplete the movement, your arm does not go all the way around, complete a “windmill” motion or circulatory motion).
Define plantar
Sole of the foot, bottom of the foot. The parts of the foot that touh the floor when walking.
Define dorsal
Refers to the top of the foot (or hand). It is where your shoe laces sit.
Define inversion
Describes how you rotate your ankles with the big toes pointing toward the midline (pigeon toe) (how you slow down or stop when skiing)
Describe eversion
Standing with your ankles rotated outward, big toes pointing away from the midline (duck feet)
Define superficial
This refers to something that is nearer to the surface. (I.e your skin is superficial to your muscle and bone, your muscle is superficial to your bone)
Define intermediate
This means in between (i.e your muscles are intermediate to your skin and bone)
Define deep
This refers to structures further away from the surface. (I.e your bone is the deepest part, and your muscle is deep in relation to your skin)
Define medial
Refers to something or moving something nearer to the midline/ median plane
Define proximal
Refers to something that is nearer to the trunk of the body or point if origin. (Your trunk is your ribcage, core, hips and pelvis) (i.e your shoulders are proximal to your trunk)
Define distal
This means further away from your trunk or point if origin. (I.e your fingertips are distal to your trunk, your toes are the most distal to your trunk)
Define lateral
Movement or placement farther away from the midline.
Define posterior
Refers to the back or nearer to the back