Lecture 1 Flashcards
Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes
Greek Philosophers
- Nature and origin of knowledge
- Memory and though
Historical Mind And Body Dualism
Mind and body dualism represents the metaphysical stance that mind and body are two distinct substances, each with a different essential nature
- Continuing debate through the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries
Wilhelm Wundt
Structuralism – mental events can be broken down into their components
The Scientific Method
The scientific method consists of certain assumptions, goals and procedures for creating and answering questions
The Four Goals Of Science
What happened
Psychology: describe a behavior and the conditions under which it occurred
Why it happened
Psychology: finding out the causes of behavior
What will happen next
Psychology: our ability to predict behavior will only be as good as our ability to explain
How to make it happen
Psychology: if explanation is accurate then manipulating the causes should produce changes in behavior
Approaches To Understanding
Authority approach
Analogy approach
Rule approach
Empirical approach
Authority Approach
Seeking knowledge from sources thought to be reliable and valid
Advantages – allows us to assimilate existing knowledge
Caution – don’t follow blindly, there is a need to evaluate critically
Analogy Approach
Analogy between some new event and a more familiar understandable event
Disadvantages – open to a number of interpretations
Rule Approach
Try to establish laws or rules that cover a variety of different observations
Advantages – can save time and effort
Disadvantages – if followed blindly, can also threaten advancement of understanding
- Theories, models and hypotheses are tied to the rule approach
- In science, rules do not stand alone but are used with observation to gain further understanding
Testing ideas against actual events
Psychology: observing behavior and drawing conclusions
An idea or tentative guess
Psychology: formally states expectation about a behavior
A Hypothesis Must Be
- Can devise a test of a hypothesis
- Test can show the hypothesis is incorrect
- Rather than providing ideas to be true, we have to prove them to be false
- Ideas (hypotheses) are always on probation and subject to constant testing
What Happens When A Hypothesis Is Not Shown To Be False?
We say the theory giving rise to the hypothesis is confirmed
- Doesn’t mean true, means still not falsified
In Testing Hypotheses We Can
Strive to design experiments that produce that clearest and best evidence
- Become skilled at identifying design flaws and learn how to avoid them
Apply best procedures to assess our findings