Lecture 1 Flashcards
Conservation biology
integrated, multidisciplinary scientific field, with goal of preserving species and ecosystems.
widespread movement that involves political and education activism; goal is to protect environment from destruction and pollution, focus on sustainability.
something that can continue indefinitely.
Environmental sustainability
rate of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and non-renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely.
Biological diversity (biodiversity)
all life on earth.
act of one lineage diverging into two lineages.
Phyletic speciation
gradual transformation of one species into another over time.
Hybrid speciation
formation of a novel species through hybridization between two parent species.
Adaptive Radiation
evolutionary process where different populations of a species adapt to local conditions, followed by rapid speciation.
Species richness
number of species in a given area (most common way to measure biodiversity).
Alpha diversity
number of species in a community.
Gamma diversity
number of species in a region.
Beta diversity
rate of change of species composition along an environmental or geographical gradient.
Biological Species Concept (BSC)
a species is a group of individuals that can interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring (Ernst Mayr, 1990).
Morphological Species Concept (MSC)
a species is a group of individuals that can are distinct from other groups based on their morphology, biochemistry, or physiology.
a taxon that is probably an individual species based on their appearance but has not been recognized as such as of yet.
Evolutionary Species Concept (ESC)
a species is a group of individuals that share unique similarities of their DNA, and so share an evolutionary history.
Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs)
a population with a species with a unique genetic variation and evolutionary history.
water and food supply
too many individuals harvested, driving population towards extinction over time.
Water stress
surface water used by humans is more than 40% of what is available.
maintenance of other ecosystem services (e.g. nutrient recycling, primary production).
maintenance of planetary processes (especially of climate system).
recreational / spiritual benefits.