Lecture 1 Flashcards
What are chromosomes?
What is a human karyotype?
Nuclear tiny structures containing a linear thread of DNA which transmit genetic information among other functions
Not normally visible but become visible during certain points in cell life
Human karyotype is full set of chromosomes in human
Single pair of sex chromosomes and 22 autosomes
Females have 2 X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y
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What is mitosis vs meiosis?
Mitosis- occurs in somatic cells for growth
Results in formation of 2 identical daughter cells with same number of chromosomes (46 in humans) and same DNA content as original cell
Meiosis- occurs in germ cells (spermatogonia in males and oogonia in females) for production of male and female gametes
Results in 4 haploid daughter cells
Continuum of 2 divisions in which homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis-1 and the chromatids separate during meiosis-2
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What’s the difference between meiosis in males (spermatogenesis) and meiosis in females (oogenesis)?
Males- one spermatogonium gives rise to 4 spermatids
Make meiosis gets halted from fertilization to puberty when FSH is produced and spermatogenesis finishes first cycle
Females- oogonium yields one mature oocyte and 2 polar bodies
Females meiosis depends on when they get pregnant, it starts when they become pregnant
Meiosis will never be completed in a females life if they don’t get pregnant
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How is the sex determined in offspring?
The genetic sex if a zygote is established at fertilization, when X or Y bearing sperm fertilizes an oocyte
The sex chromosomes from parents contribute to determining the genotypic sex
The genotypic sex determines the gonadal sex, which in turn determines the phenotypic sex that becomes fully established at puberty
What are epigenetics?
An epigenetic modification isn’t a change in phenotype without a change in genotype
Cause cells with identical DNA to develop, appear, and function very different
Cellular characteristics heritable by daughter cells that don’t involve changes to underlying DNA sequence
DNA methylation and histone modification are involved
Environment, age, lifestyle, diseases can cause epigenetic changes
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What is DNA methylation?
Epigenetic mechanism
Methyl groups attach directly to DNA stands
Equilibrium between methylation and de-methylation directs healthy cell growth and differentiation
Imbalance in DNA methylation has been found in diseases like cancer
What is the difference in gonadal sex changes for males and females?
Males- the testis develops from the medulla, while the cortex regresses
Y chronometer exerts powerful testis determining effect on the indifferent or developing gonad
Females- the ovary develops from the cortex, while the medulla regresses
In absence of Y chromosome, the indifferent gonad develops into an ovary
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How is the male sex established during embryogenesis?
The male sex is established when the primary sex chords differentiate into seminiferous tubules under the influence of the Y chromosome
What is the testis determining gene? (TDF)
The testis determining factor (TDF) is a single gene located on the short arm of the Y chromosome
Also know as SRY (sex determining region Y)
TDF is necessary for testicular development
SRY gene triggers development of testis, which then makes androgens like testosterone and a glycoprotein like anti-Müllerian hormone necessary for male pattern of sex difference
Rarely TDF may be found translocated on other chromosomes (like in an XX male, whose sex chromosomes are XX but phenotype is male)
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What is gonadal dysgenesis?
It is an abnormal gonadal differentiation
Ex: loss of one of the X chromosomes of the XX pair results in an individual with an XO sex chromosome constitution and ovarian dysgenesis
Ex: Turner syndrome, disorder of female sex characterized by short stature, primary amenorrhea, sexual infantilism, other congenital abnormalities
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What is the transformation of the genital ducts for males and females?
Males- the paramesonephric or Müllerian duct degenerates and the mesonephric or wolffian duct develops into the vas deferens, seminiferous tubules, and ejaculatory duct
This requires testosterone and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)
Females- mesonephric or wolffian duct degenerates and the paramesonephric or Müllerian ducts develops into the oviducts (Fallopian tubes), uterus, and upper third of the vagina
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What does absence of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) cause?
What produces AMH?
What about absence of testosterone?
Causes Müllerian ducts to develop in a female pattern
Sertoli cells produce AMH, shortly after, fetal leydig cells start to produce testosterone
Absence of testosterone causes the wolffian ducts to degenerate
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Is the ovary required for female duct development?
No, after bilateral removal of the ovaries, Müllerian development continues along normal female lines indicating that the ovary is not required for female duct development
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What does unilateral removal of the testis result in?
Unilateral removal of testis results in female duct (Müllerian) development in the same (ipsilateral) side as castration
The duct develops in a male pattern in the side with the remaining testis and virilization of the external genitalia proceeds normally
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What happens in the absence of both testes, while administering testosterone?
In the absence of both testes, administering testosterone preserves development of the wolffian ducts
However because of the absence of AMH, no Müllerian regression occurs
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