lecture 1 Flashcards
What is an algorithm?
An algorithm is a finite sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem, i.e., for obtaining the required output for any legitimate input in a finite amount of time. [Levitin 2003]
What is NP complete problems?
They are non polynomial problems which have no efficient algorithm to solve it. ex.Travelling salesman
What is the halting problem?
the problem of determining whether a program will finish running, or continue to run forever.
Characteristics an algorithm needs to have?
It needs to have a clear unambiguous structure and it needs to give the same result with same input.
Where does the term algorithm derive from?
The name comes from a Persian mathematician called Al-Khwarizmi.
• His name was written as Algorithm when the book was
translated to Latin
• Today we define the word Algorithm as a “computation method”
• The formalisation of the idea started with Hilbert in the late 1920s.
• In the context of the “decision problem”
algorithm classification based on the problem-solving approach they use:
Iterative algorithms Direct\Indirect Recursive algorithms Divide and Conquer Dynamic Programming Algorithms Randomised Algorithms Brute Force Algorithms
Why not just use code? Why abstraction?
- More intuitive for humans than “code” language
* Focus on the problem and not on the details of the implementation
What are efficient algorithms?
Those who run in polynomial time
when you focus on the problem and not it’s details
What type of recursive algorithms are there?
- Direct: when it calls it’s self
- Indirect: when an algorithm calls another algorithm that recalls the first one (recursion is done through different functions)
Explain the divide and conquer algorithm:
divides the problem into 2 parts. They are solved independently and the solutions are merged ex. mergesort or the worst case of a quick sort