Lecture 1 Flashcards
Why is the motor control not intuitive?
Because we have to think about what muscle is moving rather than the goal of the movement.
What is the 2 overall function of motor system?
-coordination and posture
What are the 5 mechanical basis of muscle movement?
1) Most movement occurs at the joints were two bones meet
2) Muscles contract and pull
3) Muscles around each point have to be agonists and antagonists
4) Muscle working due to changes in their lengths and join angles
What is the difference between flex and extend?
Flexion is decreasing joing angle and extension is the opposite.
The agonist is the muscle acting and the antagonist is the muscle doing the opposite
Synergists are muscles working together
What is posture?
Its the resting force of gravity
Anti gravity are extensors and their antagonists are flexors.
What is postural fixation?
Elimination of unwanted movement. So it stabalizes the overal posture without using muscles that are unnecessary
What are the 4 main porperties of a muscle action?
Force, resistance to fatigue, speed of contraction and fineness of control
First three are from muscle structure and the fineness of control is due to innervation and structure of muscle
What is the 2 different muscle fibers?
-Fast twitch and slow twitch muscles
What is fast twich muscle?
- FF fibers which is faster, fatiguable but more force
- FR: faster, more resistant to fatigue and more force.
What is slow twitch muscle?
S: Fibers. least force, slow contration time and more resistant to fatigue.
Can training change muscle type or amount of muscle fibers?
So is each muscle a specific kind of fibers?
NOPE. each muscle is a mixture of the 3 fibers.
different %s of each fiber vary on the action of the muscles
Compositions of each muscle also vary between individuals.
What is the composition of the efferent fibers of muscles?
1) alpha motor neuron
2) cell bodies in ventral horn axons leave via ventral roots
3) axons have very large axons, myelinated alpha fibers
4) 12-20 uM diameter which gives a speed of conduction of 70-120 m/s
Each AXON innervates 2-1000 fibers
What is a motor neuron pool>
All motor neurons innervating one muscle distributed over different cord segments
What do motor neurons release?
Motor neurons release trophic factors which are crucial for muscle health
What happens if MN dies?
MUSLCE ATROPHY which is what happens with ALS due to lack of the trophic factors.
All types of fibers in a motor unit are the same
that means all fibers of a single Motor mass have FF or has S muscle types
SO whats the summary?
Larger MN= more innervated fibers= Larger muscle unit= more force produced, quicker response and sooner fatigue
How does the motor uint size differ between muscles?
- The fine control has smaller average motor unit and the opposite is true for force and speed muscles
What is the size principle?
When muscle wants to acomplish a movement it first activates the smallest and then up to the last and vice versa
Which means S motor fibers are more in use
What kind of feedback of muscle to CNS?
1) is the GTO which is golgi tendon organ. which is a receptor of muscle force.
2) Muscle length and their receptors is the muscle spindle
- -Static info means the muscle is not working (same length)
- -Dynamic info is the rate of change in length
Whats the difference between fibers of muscle fibers and muscle spindle
Muscle spindle has intrafusal fibers vs extrafusal fibers in muscle fibers/
-Muscle spindles contain a CT sheat with intrafusal fibers
Whats the difference between intrafusal fibers an dextra fusal fibers?
- Intrafusal fibers have both contactile and non contractile poles
- Intrafusal is also multinucleated
- intrausal have 2 types of different structures m innervation and info. Bag vs chain
What is the sensory information of spindle?
Group A fibers which is faster and larger in diameters.
–Group A innervates every intrafusal fibers
Form primary or annulospiral endings.
Convery into both dynamic and static info
What is the function of group II muscle fibers?
innervate only seconadry chain fibers
-seconadry flower spray ending
convery static force only