Lecture 1 Flashcards
Wat zijn psychofysiologische processen?
De manieren waarop de hersenen communiceren met de rest van het lichaam. Via het: autonome zenuwstelsel, HPA-as, SAM-as, immuunsysteem
Psychosomatic medicine
health science based on the concept that the human organism is a psychosomatic unity, that biological and psychological processes are inextricably inter-related aspects of its function. It gives equal importance to biology and psychology.
Domeinen van het biopsychosociale model
- psychologie
- biologie
- sociaal/cultureel/economisch
- gedrag
Wanneer actieve coping? wanneer niet?
When active coping is possible, you get a fight flight response. In aversive situations where this is not possible, the body responds with active inhibition (vigilance).
Situational stereotypy
In sommige situaties kiest men over het algemeen voor fight flight response, in andere situaties juist voor vigilance
Response stereotypy
Persoonsgebonden coping stijl. Sommige mensen kiezen vaker voor fight flight, anderen over het algemeen voor vigilance.
Determinanten van response stereotypy:
- genes
- pre- and neonatal environment
chronic stress is important to consider
Wie was de eerste die het woord stress in biologische zin gebruikte?
Cannon, hij ontwikkelde het idee van ‘fight or flight’
Verschil tussen acute en chronische stress
Acute stress meer myocardiale respons, in chronische stress meer vasculaire respons. Een verschuiving naar T2 reacties, dus meer ontsteking. Chronische stress heeft meer te maken met het immuunsysteem.
Wie beschreef het General Adaptation Syndrome?
Hans Selye
Uitgangspunt GAS
Psychologist Hans Selye described the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) where initial observations about infectious reactions led to the discovery that stress can lead to infection, illness, disease and death. There are three stages that he discovered: Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion
Alarm fase in GAS (Cannon’s F)
Body prepares itself for fight or flight. SAM and HPA activity increases
When we are surprised or threatened, we have an immediate physical reaction, often called the Fight-or-Flight reaction. This prepares the body for life-threatening situations, channeling away resources from such as the digestive and immune system to more immediate muscular and emotional needs. This leads to the immune system being depressed, making us susceptible to disease.
Resistance fase in GAS
Body becomes used to stress levels and is resilient and adaptable. HPA activity takes over. Bodily resources are at maximum use.
As we become used to the stress levels, we initially become more resistance to disease, which leads us to believe we can easily adapt to these more stressful situations. However, this is only the immune system fighting to keep up with demands and expectations, but requires it to work at abnormally high levels.
Exhaustion fase in GAS
Body give up, breaks down. Sympathetic ANS action reappears. Adrenal cortex damage causes parasympathetic action, e.g., energy storage, failure. The immune system collapses, and stress-related diseases increase.
Eventually reality kicks in and our bodies give up on trying to maintain a high level of stress. Parts of the body literally start to break down and we become very unwell. If we continue to fight this situation, we may even die.
Definitie allostasis
the process whereby physiological stability is maintained by changing parameters of the internal milieu by matching them to environmental demands
allostatic model in contrast with the older homeostatic model
Allostatic model emphasizes on dynamic rather than static biological set-points, considerations of the brain’s role in feedback regulation, and view of health as a whole-body adaptation to contexts
Allostatic load:
the wear and tear that the body experiences when repeated allostatic responses are activated during stressful situations