Lecture 1 Flashcards
Bundles of protein filaments
Intercalated disks
contain desmosomes that transfer force form cell to cell
Gap junctions
allow electrical signals to pass rapidly form cell to cell
occupy 1/3 of the cell volume of a contractile cardiac fiber
types of ion channels
1) Leakage channels 2) Voltage gated channels 3) Ligand gated channels 4) Mechanically gated channels
Leakage channels
gates randomly alternate between open and closed positions
some are always open, K+ leak channels cause nerve an muscle cell membrane to be more permeable to K+ than to Na+
Voltage gated channels
open in response to c change in membrane potential Na+, K+, Ca++
Ligand gated channels
open and close in response to specific chemical stimulus; nicotinic cholinergic receptor open when acetylcholine binds to it
Mechanically gated channels
open or close in response to mechanical
action; sensory receptors
P wave
SA depolarization, action potential begins in atria
QRS complex
ventricular depolarization
T wave
ventricular repolarization
ST segment
period during ventricular depolarization (plateau)
U wave
due to repolarization of the papillary muscle
P - R interval
time taken from first atrial depolarization to first ventricular depolarizatio