Lecture 1 Flashcards
What are the 3 subphyla of the phylum Chordata?
- Cephalochordata
- Urochordata
- Vertbrata
What is the major characteristic of the subphylum cephalochordata?
Include Cephalochordates or lancelets. Ex: amphioxus, genus Branchiostomata
Whats the major characteristic of the subphylum Urochordata?
These include ascidians (sea squirts), thaliaceans, and larvaceans, all of which are SMALL MARINE ORGANISMS
What are the major characteristics of subphylum Vertebrata?
All the characteristics that make US Vertebrates
What are the major classes of subphylum Vertebrata??
Pisces and Tetrapods
The major class, Pisces, contains what?
contains all the fishes
What are the characteristics of the Class Agnatha?
Jawless, and lacks paired appendages.
Ex. Hagfish and freshwater lampreys
What are the characteristics of the Class Acanthodii?
“spiny sharks”, not really sharks, but do have spines.
Which Class of Vertebrates does not have a jaw?
The Placodermi are known to have these two features:
jaws and paired fins.
The Chondrichthyes have these characteristics:
lack ability to form bone, skeletal system is made entirely of cartilage.
Related to sharks, skates, and rays
Largest number of species of fishes, They have a skeletal system formed from bone, but many still retain a considerable amount of cartilage w/in their sk. system
What makes the Class Mammalia different from the other Tetrapod classes?
presence of hair and mammary glands
Class Aves have what special feature?
What are the characteristics of phylum Chordata that may be shared with members of the invertebrate phyla?
- Cephalization
- complete digestive tract
- Bilateral symmetry
- Metamerism
- Triploblasy
- Eucoelomate body cavity
- Closed circulatory system
- Deuterostomy