Lecture 1 & 2 - Wireline logging Flashcards
In oil exploration, what is the ideal conditions to find?
- Thick layer of reservoir rocks
- High Saturation of HCs
- Reservoir rocks permeable, clean (No shale)
- Capped by shale or salt
What is wireline logging used for?
- Determining lithology
- Determining pore-fluid type
- Determining saturation
- Calibrate seismic data
How is well drilling done?
By the rotary drilling method
Rotate drill bit attached to drill pipe (31 or 46ft)
Simultaneously apply weights to bit using the drill collar.
What is the purpose of pumping drilling fluid into the drill pipe? What is the drilling fluid made up of?
- Usually oil or water based mud
- Cools and lubricates bit
- Brings cuttings to surface
- Prevents blow-outs
What is a mudcake?
How does it form?
What are the problems of forming a mudcake?
- Mud flows into the formation if permeable as pressure in hole is greater that the lithostatic pressure (to prevent blowouts)
- Bigger grains of mud stay on the outside of the borehole to form a mudcake
- Must take presence of 1/3 - 3/4 inch thick mudcake into account then analyzing physical properties
What physical properties can wireline logging measure?
- Hole size
- Natural Gamma Ray count
- Porosity
- Formation density
- Travel time
- Spontaneous potential
- Resistivity
What is the compromise between logging speed and resolution?
Expensive to do. Equipment expensive to rent so want to minimise logging time so reduce costs
Between 1800 and 5400 ft/hr
Faster logging speed = lower resolution
What does hole size indicate about rock type?
- Hole size matches bit size = strong rock
- Hole size smaller = mud cake, permeable rock
- Hole size larger = weak rock (collapse of hole)
What does the GR well logging tool measure?
What are the units?
Natural gamma rays, usually emitted by potassium-40 in rocks.
Units: API
Give average GR values for:
- Clean sands, limestones, dolomites
- Salt and Anhydrite
- Shale
- 10-20 API
- 0-5 API (“a few”)
- Up to 200, average 100 API
What is GR predominantly used for?
To tell where shale rocks are and find shale volume, Vsh
How can you identify shale using resistivity logs?
The logs plot on top of eachother
How can resistivity give information about rock permeability?
Try to measure resistivity at a range of depths (flushed zone, transition zone & uninvaded zone)
Can use to see how deeply mud filtrate has penetrated which is indicative of permeability
What is ‘Spontaneous Potential’ a measure of?
Measure of the natural potential difference between an electrode at the surface and an electrode downhole
What are the 2 sources of Spontaneous Potential (SP)
- Membrane Potential
- Due to difference between permeable & impermeable zone ( and the effect of selective passage of ions) - Liquid junction potential
- Due to invaded zone next to an uninvaded zone (transfer of ions)
What is the value of SP that we measure?
The sum of the membrane potential and the liquid junction potential
How is a permeable zone normally indicated on an SP graph?
Negative deflection of the SP curve
How is shale normally indicated on an SP graph?
Positive deflection of the SP curve