Lecture 1&2 Flashcards
Chlorinated hydrocarbon => chloracne (skin, organs)
Anticoagulant Rodenticides
4-5 days to kill (time to cure)
Etheylene Glycol
Several h later -> v bad prognosis
Paraquat -> membrane damage => lung fibrosis
LD50 -> dose that kills 1/2 the population (90 g/kg water, 30 g/kg sugar, 10 g/kg alcohol)
TD50 -> dose that 1/2 the population has toxic signs
ED50: efficacy
Spp dependent.
Administration dependent: IV>IP>IM>SC>PO>dermal
PSlytic agent => Paralytic ileus in eq!
Rabbit = resistant
Accumulation coefficient
Acute LD50 1x / repeated LD50 90x
Result: >2 => relative cumulative
<2 => relative non-cumulative
Extremely toxic: <5 mg/kg Highly toxic: 5-50 mg/kg Moderately toxic: 50-300 mg/kg Slightly toxic: 300-2000 mg/kg Nontoxic: 2000-5000 mg/kg
= Chlorinated hydrocarbon, highly lipophilic => dermal absorption
Consequences: teratogenic, carcinogenic, POP (persistent organic pd), persistent in the environment, eggshell thinning.
AChE inhibition
ACh accumulation => high ACh -> spasms, convulsions
Carbamates -> reversible
OPs -> irreversible
Agonist: e.g. Ivermectin = GABA agonist -> brain => paralysis
Antagonist: e.g. Atropine -> muscurinic ACh receptors => NO effect
Cell membrane destruction
- Detergents, alcohol -> GIT => vomiting, diarrhea
- Paraquat (herbicide) -> lung cells => pulmonary damage (lipid perox)
- Cu ions -> liver, RBCs haemolysis (lipid perox)
- CN (10 sec action)-> disrupts electron transport across resp cell membrane (NAD-NADH system) => inhibition of cell resp (no E) => suffocation
- Nitrophenols => uncoupling of ATP synthesis: H+ -> mitochondrial matrix => NO electron gradient => inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation -> heat instead
- DDT, Dioxin, As, Cd => Cell nucleus damage (DNA): mutations, cancer
Thalidomide (antiemetic, tranquilizer, anti-tumor effect), Albendazole
Allerginizing effect
Penicillins, Sulphonamides