Lecture 1 Flashcards
IMC initial definition
a movement to have marketing and comms speaking with one voice
Expanded IMC definition
the coordination of promotional mix elements (ie ads, PR, etc) with each other and with other elements of brands’ marketing mix (product, place, price) so that all elements speak with one voice - relies on successful execution across all platforms/channels creating a synergetic communications effect to maximize impact on intended target.
IMC Plan Cycle
IMC plans can cover as little as one month - all about the nitty-gritty/tactical elements. Marketing plans are annual
return on investment
key performance indicators
Why IMC?
- shift in consumer media habits
- mobile comms is primary
- Database management techniques and CRM (Customer relationship management)
- higher demand for efficiency/streamlined accountability - ROI is crucial
Customer Relationship Management –aka the database you’re using. Can be a verb OR a noun
IMC Key Features:
- Begin with customer
- relevant contact
- single voice
- build relationships, not flings
- focus on ultimate objective
Begin with customer (IMC key feature)
what are the best comms and channels for this segment?
Relevant contact (IMC Feature)
aka which touchpoint most appropriate?
Speak with single voice (IMC key feature)
coordinate messages and positioning statements
Relationships over flings (IMC features)
less expensive to keep a customer than get a new one ie use loyalty programs
Focus on ultimate objective (IMC feature)
main goal = affect behaviour
Trial and error but based on previous experience
Mar-Com Objectives
- informing
- Persuading
- inducing action
informing (mar-com objective)
this objective needs a less individualized approach
persuading (mar-com objective)
this needs more individualization, especially when geared towards potential customers and those loyal to other organizations
inducing action (mar-com obj)
want action sooner rather than later
the process where commonness of thought is established and meaning is shared b/w Ind or b/w ind and orgs - the transmission, receipt, and processing of info b/w sender and receiver
the process of planning/executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas/goods/services to create exchanges to satisfy ind and org objectives - aka everything a company does to move product/service from supplier to consumer
Marketing Mix 4 Ps
product, price, place, promotion
AIDA (influencing consumer behaviour)
Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
ACCA (influencing consumer behaviour)
Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, Action
Types of Media
Earned, paid, owned
Earned media
customer becomes the channel - role is to listen and respond, most credible but least control over it
paid media
brand pays for it, role is to shift from foundation to a catalyst to create earned media - provides immediacy and control but lacks credibility and exists in clutter
Owned media
channel a brand owns ie website - role to build longer-term relationships with existing/potential customers - cost effective, long term, niche audiences but not as trusted and take time to scale
IMC Tools/Promotional mix
Sales promo
Personal Selling
Digital marketing/SM
Direct Response
*all lead to target market
paid, mediated form of comms from identifiable source
designed to persuade receiver to take action, now or in future
Advertising Benefits
large audience
cost effective
builds brand equity
drives to other comms form
Two advertising types
Product (ads that help build image of product/org in minds of customers)
Promotional (ads communicating specific offer to encourage immediate response from large audience)
Public Relations
comms primarily directed to gain public understanding/acceptance - placing messages in media requiring no payment - offers legitimacy , crisis management
non-personal comms regarding org, product, service, or idea not directly paid for or under identified sponsorship
Sales promotion
all promotional activities that stimulate short-term behavioural responses from:
1. Consumers
2. Trade (distributors, retailers)
3. Sales force (when consumer-oriented = pull, when trade-oriented = push)
Trade Promotion
campaigns directed at wholesalers/retailers rather than final consumers. Influential and includes:
trade allowances (price reduction for distributors)
Performance allowances ($ to distributor to push product to retailer)
Cooperative ad allowances (cost sharing on flyers)
Dealer premiums (additional free merchandise)
Collateral material (visual aids)
dealer display material (POP materials, display racks etc)
Personal Selling
paid person-to-person communication
server determines needs/wants of prospective buyers and attempts to persuade buyers to purchase products/services
sale = objective
face-to-face or telephone
Digital Marketing
ad on website, via email, or through cell
interactive - allows for back and forth flow of info
users can participate in/modify form/content of info they receive instantly, including making purchases
Direct Response Communications
delivery of message to target audience of one
org communicates w target audience to generate response and/or transaction
ie. telemarketing, direct mail, etc
Integrated brand promotion - follows IMC - ensures brand message is consistent t/o marketing - focuses on promotion of brand (IMC focuses on Strat coms)
IBP = promo tools to have coordinated approach to build/maintain brand awareness/identity/preference
IMC = promo tools in strategic/unified way to synergistic comms effect is created
IMC Industry Structure
Ad/promo agencies
External facilitators (research firms, etc)
Media organizations
Target audiences
Advertising agenceies
service orgs responsible for creating/planning/producing/placing ads for clients
Can be:
Full service (complete range)
or Creative Boutique (pick and choose services)
Agency services
account service (work w client/develop plan)
marketing research (account planners work to locate relevant studies)
creative and production (creative concept to final implementation)
media (media planning/buying)
Client Agency Relationship
Client responsibilities – background info, budge, coordinating ad strategy w marketing comms strategies / monitoring / evaluating
Agency responsibilities: provide experience/expertise, planning assistance to solve marketing problems, ad strategies, conducting research
Agency Team
account exectutive
Account supervisor
Art Director and Copywriter
Media Planner and Media buyer
*can’t have competing accounts, info is all confidential
Agency of Record
larger companies use multiple agencies but have to designate one as AOR - the central agency responsible for media negotiations and the main point of contact
Account director
guides agency management of client accounts - leader
account supervisor
client service, planning, account manager leadership
account manager/executive
day-to-day contact
product planning
budget control
advertising plan prep
strategic advice
keep client happy
motivate resources to turn out best work/solve client problem
Green advertising
address biophysical environment
promote green lifestyle
present image of environmental responsibility
Packaging Responses
recyclable bottles
polystyrene to paperboard
plastic to cardboard
smaller packages
Seal-of-approval programs
designed to assist consumers to id environmentally-friendly products/brands ie green seal of approval, Germany’s blue Angel, 100% recycled paperboard
Point-of-Purchase Programs
closer consolation with retailers about POP needs - fewer unused/discarded displays, more permanent displays = less trash, billions saved
Appropriate environmental claims
make specific, substantive/supportable claims which reflect current disposal options
Green example areas
environmental benefits
recycled content
source reduction
ozone safe/friendly
Ethical issues in IMC
sex in ads
dangerous/disturbing ads
misleading ads
exaggerated green claims
targeting children/minors
cultural diversity
The competition Act
regulated by competition bureau
maintains/encourages competition
equal opportunity for small business (regulating business and marketing/advertising)
provides consumers with product choice/competitive pricing
Competition Bureau
federal government independent agency
ensures Canadian business/consumers competitive/innovative marketplace
headed by commissioner of competition
administrates competition act, consumer packaging and labelling act, textile labelling act, precious metals marketing act
Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
independent public authority
regulates/supervises Canadian broadcasts
imposes fines, limits/denies station’s application for license renewal
governed by broadcasting act (1991 - content regulations around Canadian talent and cultural diversity) and telecommunications act (1991 - replaced railway act of 1906 to ensure reliable services, protect privacy, Canadian media)
CRTC Areas
signal substitution (Canadian ads while in Canada)
advertising limits (12 min/day excluding PSAs)
infomercials (12min+ ads need approval)
regulates 5900+ media orgs
Advertising Standards Canada - creates/maintains community confidence in advertising
mission is to ensure integrity/viability of ads through self-regulation
Canadian Code of Advertising Standards
Canadian Code of Advertising Standards
set by ASC - addresses:
disguised ad techniques
price claims
‘bait and switch”
comparative ads
professional/scientific claims
ads to minors
unacceptable depictions/portrayals
International Association of Business Communicators
12 articles of ethics based on three principles – that professional comms is legal, ethical, in good taste.
Members must be legal, ethical, sensitive to cultural values/beliefs, truthful, accurate, fair
Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (July 1 2014) - can’t send Commercial Electronic Message (CEM) w/o implied/explicit consent
New rules in 2015 - can’t install software on someone’s device w/o consent.
Doesn’t apply to non-commercial activity, robocalls, broadcast messaging inc tweets/posts
Commercial Electronic Communication.
purpose to encourage participation in commercial activity
to send with content = must identify self, provide contact method, provide unsubscribe method (functional, free, accessible, link, process quickly)
Implied Consent (CASL)
time-limited (2 years) from start of relationship ie product purchase
obtained via conspicuous publication, disclosure, existing business relationship, existing non-business relationship
Conspicuous Publication (implied consent)
info published in plain sight ie website/trade magazine
Disclosure (implied consent)
info given to you ie via business card/address - implied consent to send them messages related to their work
Existing business relationship (implied consent):
person has made a transaction/inquiry/application/written contract for purchase or barter of products/goods/services
Existing non-business relationship (implied consent):
person is member of organization or has provided volunteer work/donation/gift
CASL Express Consent
to send CEMs after 2 years of implied consent, must obtain express consent from customers – valid consent is given in writing or orally - must be explicitly indicated
CASL Record Keeping
keep records of obtained implied/express consent - you have the onus to prove consent eg keep electronic copy of business card, express consent responses, recording of oral confirmation
Electronic Commerce Protection Act - considering changes including:
definition of CEM
provisions related to consent
definition of electronic address
application to charities and non-profits
CRTC increasing education efforts
re-examine PRA - damages should be based on proof of tangible harm