Lecture 1 Flashcards
Origin and Forms of Entrepreneurship
“Entrepreneurship” came from the French word
entreprende which means “to do something” or
“to undertake”
“Entrepreneurship” came from the French word ____ whcih means ____
The Earliest Entrepreneurship
Barter and Exchange System
In this period, entrepreneur
is a term for a person who
manages large production
Middle Ages
That individual takes no risk
as capital was provided by
the government
Middle Ages
Link between risk and
entrepreneurship further
17th Century
- An entrepreneur was a
person who entered a
contract with the
government to perform a
service or to supply
stipulated products.
17th Century
Founder of the Royal
Bank of France and the
Mississippi Company,
which had an exclusive
franchise to trade
between France and the
new world.
French entrepreneur
John Law
John Lawis the founder of
Royal Bank of France and the
Mississippi Company,
He described an entrepreneur as “a risk taker, observing that merchants, farmers,
craftsmen, and other sole proprietors buy at a certain price and sell at an uncertain
price, therefore operating at a risk”
Richard Cantillon
Richard Cantillon
He described an entrepreneur as “a risk taker, observing that merchants, farmers,
craftsmen, and other sole proprietors buy at a certain price and sell at an uncertain
price, therefore operating at a risk”
Entrepreneurship as a
form of management
18th Century
manager becomes an entrepreneur when
the exercise of his/her judgment is liable to error and s/he assumes the
responsibility for its correctness”
entrepreneur vs manager
calculate risks and make
informed judgments and decisions. Those
who choose to avoid taking risks favors security of being employees
capitalist vs entrepreneur
the person with capital
capitalist vs entrepreneur
the one who needed capital
Entrepreneurs were viewed
to have the role of
recreating or
revolutionizing the pattern
of production by
introducing an invention
2oth Century
Jean Baptiste-Sayefined entrepreneurship as
the shifting of economic resources out of an area of lower productivity into higher productivity and greater yield