Lecture 1 Flashcards
Is a branch of the allied health professions that deals
with the study of various disciplines such as chemistry,
microbiology, parasitology, blood banking, hematology, clinical microscopy, histology, and histopathology, among others.
Medical Technology
____ Based on mere observation of clinical
symptoms of the patients palpation and
Diagnosis of Disease (400 BC)
For treatment under 400 BC, therapeutic procedures are available
Upper Classes
For treatment under 400 BC, non-scientific such
as divination through the performance of rituals
and sacrifice to certain gods.
Middle and Lower Class
_____ Physicians in Babylons made observations on the
color and consistency of urine ( ____ BC)
Clinical microscopy (4000 BC)
About 1500 BC, these documents contained accounts describing polyuria and intestinal worms (Parasitology)
Ebers Papyrus (Egyptian Documents)
Practical immunization by inhaling powder made from
smallpox scabs to develop immunity to disease
Developed lab tools such as forceps, scalpels, specula
and surgical needles
Practice toxicology (agadatantra)
Able to conclude if patient is diabetic by observing if
patient’s urine attracts ants (Clinical Microscopy)
glucose in urine
Father of Medicine
First Forensic Pathologist
First described hematuria (blood in urine)
Rufus of Ephesus
Devised guidelines for using urine as a diagnostic aid
Isaac Judaeus
Analyzed urine to aid diagnosis
Performed autopsy on Julius Caesar
Hippocratic Oath
Invention of the microscope
Zacharias Janssen
Improved janssen’s microscope
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Opened the first laboratory at John Hopkins Hospital
Dr. William Osler
Only magnified 9x
Zacharias Janssen
First to describe RBC to see protozoa and see bacteria according to shape (morphologic evaluation)
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Used the microscope to investigate the causes of diseases
Athanasius Kircher
Published Micrographia
Robert Hooke
Featured illustrations of his observations using the microscope
Robert Hooke
Investigated the embryology of chicks and the histology and physiology of the glands and viscera
Marcello Malpighi
Existence of capillaries
Marcello Malpighi
Developed gravimetric analysis of urine
Jean Baptiste van Helmont
Metric used during urinalysis
Jean Baptiste van Helmont
Described the protein in urine
Frederick Dekkers
Protein in large amounts indicated the filtration malfunction in kidneys.
Frederick Dekkers
Performed the first blood transfusion in animals
Richard Lower
Blood Bank or immunohematology department
Richard Lower
Described the process of coagulation
William Hewson
Prothrombin time
William Hewson
Developed the yeast test for sugar in diabetic urine
Francis Home
Identified sugar in the blood and urine of diabetics
Matthew Dobson
Pioneered Clinical cytology and described the microscopic structure of various types of cancer
Johannes Muller
Established the fundamentals of cellular pathology
Rudolf Virchow
Proposed a primitive version of the Germ Theory
Girolamo Fracastoro