Lecture 1 Flashcards


What is physiology?


- Greek word
-Physis: nature
-Logos: study

•Study of the function and the regulation of the different systems of living things

•Study approach: teleological (“the why”) and mechanistic (“the how”) approaches
- Why and how the various systems work

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State five branches of physiology
Difference between endocrine and exocrine


Branches of Physiology
- Cellular Physiology
- Reproductive Physiology
- Endocrine Physiology-exocrine and endocrine
Exocrine releases what the gland wants to produce through a duct into the site where it’s supposed to act

Endocrine secretes hormone into the blood and it travels to the various parts it wants to act. Example is Oxytocin

Here’s a simple way to remember the difference between exocrine and endocrine glands:

  • Exocrine: “Exo-“ means “outside.” Exocrine glands secrete their products out through ducts to a surface or cavity (like sweat glands secreting sweat onto the skin).
    • Memory Tip: Imagine a duct as a “door” that leads out (exiting), just like how exocrine glands have ducts that let substances out.
  • Endocrine: “Endo-“ means “inside.” Endocrine glands release their hormones inside the body directly into the bloodstream (like the thyroid gland releasing hormones into the blood).
    • Memory Tip: Think of “endo” as “enclosed” (inside) with no ducts, because the secretion goes directly into the bloodstream.

So, “Exo-“ = exit through a duct, and “Endo-“ = inside, no duct.

  • Comparative Physiology-compares structures and their functions which are characteristics of different organisms
  • Systems Physiology
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What is homeostasis and why is it so important


-Maintenance of nearly constant, stable conditions in the internal environment.
•Importance of homeostasis
- Basis of physiology (survival and functioning of cells) and clinical diagnostic procedures
- Body temp. regulation (37.5oC): integumentary, nervous systems etc.
-Lungs provide oxygen to the extracellular fluid to replenish the oxygen used by the cells
- Kidneys maintain constant ion concentrations

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Who coined the term, milieu interieur?
Who brought the name homeostasis


milieu intérieur A TERM COINED BY
Claude Bernard
French physiologist.
“ Father of physiology.
• “La fixit du milieu intkrieur est fa condition de fa vie fibre.” (the constancy of the internal environment is necessary for free life).

American physiologist
• Coined the term ‘homeostasis’.
Described homeostasis as-‘an evolutionary development of a metabolic wisdom that provides for internal constancy’.

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What are body fluids comprised of
What percent of the body weight is fluid?
Which percent belongs to ECF and which to ICF


-Organic substances (glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, hormones, enzymes etc)
-Inorganic substances (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl etc)
•60% of body weight is fluid ie.
- Total body weight (ECF = 20% ie. 4% for plasma and 16% for interstitial fluid, ICF = 40%)

ICF -2/3rd body fluid and 40 percent of the 60 percent body weight that is fluid

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What is the fluid content percentage of the following things:
1. Human body
Skin muscles and internal organs
Adipose tissue


% fluid content
Human body
40-80% but 60% on average

> 90%

Skin, muscle, internal organs

Adipose tissue
Varies but > Women
Varies but > Aged

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State the different compartments of fluid in the body and their percentages


Intracellular fluid (ICF)-40 percent body weight(24litres)
•Extracellular fluid (ECF):
-Interstitial fluid (IF) and lymph(Interstitial fluid that bathes cells in the interstitial spaces(spaces between cells) . 16% body weight,9.6 liters)
-Plasma(4% body weight,2.4 liters
-Fluid in bones
-Fluid in dense connective tissues like cartilage
-Transcellular fluid (CSF, intraocular fluid, digestive juices, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, serous fluid, synovial fluid in joints, fluid in urinary tract).

The body’s fluid compartments and their respective percentages are as follows:

  • 40% of body weight (approximately 24 liters in a 60 kg person)
  • This is the fluid within cells.
  • 20% of body weight (approximately 12 liters in a 60 kg person)
  • This is the fluid outside cells and is divided into several compartments:
  1. Interstitial Fluid (IF) and Lymph
    • 16% of body weight (approximately 9.6 liters)
    • Interstitial fluid bathes cells in the interstitial spaces (spaces between cells).
  2. Plasma
    • 4% of body weight (approximately 2.4 liters)
    • The fluid component of blood.
  3. Transcellular Fluid
    • A small percentage of total body water, included in the ECF.
    • Includes specialized fluids like:
      • Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
      • Intraocular Fluid
      • Digestive Juices
      • Pericardial Fluid
      • Peritoneal Fluid
      • Serous Fluid
      • Synovial Fluid in joints
      • Fluid in the urinary tract
  4. Other Fluids in the ECF
    • Fluid in bones and dense connective tissues like cartilage.
    • The exact percentage of these fluids is typically less emphasized in basic physiology but is part of the overall ECF volume.
  1. Intracellular Fluid (ICF): 40% of body weight.
  2. Extracellular Fluid (ECF): 20% of body weight, further divided into:
    • Interstitial Fluid and Lymph: 16% of body weight.
    • Plasma: 4% of body weight.
    • Transcellular Fluid: Included in ECF, but a very small component.
    • Fluid in Bones and Dense Connective Tissues: Part of ECF.

Transcellular fluid is a small part of the extracellular fluid and includes all the specialized fluids found in different compartments of the body. It is not specifically measured in terms of body weight percentage but is understood to be part of the ECF.

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What is the internal environment of the body ?



All the cells in the body live in
the same environment, the ECF. So, the ECF is also k/a ‘internal environment’ of the body or ‘milieu intérieur’
• They get nutrition from it & discharge their waste products in it

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Where is sodium more abundant?
Where is calcium more abundant
Where is potassium more abundant?

Where is magnesium more abundant?

Where is phosphate more abundant?
Where are proteins more abjndant?
Where are amino acids more abundant?
Where is glucose more abundant?
Where are lipids more abundant?
Where is chloride more abundant?

Where is bicarbonate more abundant?


Electrolyte ECF ICF
Sodium 142 mEq/L 10 mEq/L
Calcium 5 mEq/L 1 mEq/L
Potassium 4 mEq/L 140 mEq/L
Magnesium 3 mEq/L 28 mEq/L
Chloride 103 mEq/L 4 mEq/L
Bicarbonate 28 mEq/L 10 mEq/L
Phosphate 4 mEq/L 75 mEq/L
Sulfate 1 mEq/L 2 mEq/L
Proteins 2 g/dL 16 g/dL
Amino acids 30 mg/dL 200 mg/dL
Glucose 90 mg/dL 0-20 mg/dL
Lipids 0.5 g/dL 2-95 g/dL
Partial pressure of
oxygen ECf-35 mm Hg
iCF-20 mm Hg
Partial pressure of
carbon dioxide ECF-46 mm Hg ICF-50 mm Hg
Water 15 to 20 L (18). 20 to 25 L (22)
pH. 7.4. 7.0

To remember the critical electrolyte values and whether they are higher outside the cell (ECF) or inside the cell (ICF), you can use mnemonic devices and associations. Here are some tips and mnemonics to help:

  • ECF: 142 mEq/L, ICF: 10 mEq/L
  • Mnemonic: “Salt outside” – Salt (sodium) is typically added to food (outside the body).
  • ECF: 5 mEq/L, ICF: 1 mEq/L
  • Mnemonic: “Calcium in bones” – Think of calcium being stored in bones (outside the cells).
  • ECF: 4 mEq/L, ICF: 140 mEq/L
  • Mnemonic: “Banana inside” – Bananas (high in potassium) get digested and absorbed into cells.
  • ECF: 3 mEq/L, ICF: 28 mEq/L
  • Mnemonic: “Magnet inside” – Think of a magnet attracting magnesium inside the cells.
  • ECF: 103 mEq/L, ICF: 4 mEq/L
  • Mnemonic: “Chlorine pool outside” – Chlorine (chloride) is often associated with swimming pools (outside).
  • ECF: 28 mEq/L, ICF: 10 mEq/L
  • Mnemonic: “Baking soda outside” – Bicarbonate, like baking soda, is commonly used outside the body.
  • ECF: 4 mEq/L, ICF: 75 mEq/L
  • Mnemonic: “Phosphorylation inside” – Phosphate is crucial for cellular functions like phosphorylation.
  • ECF: 1 mEq/L, ICF: 2 mEq/L
  • Mnemonic: “Sulfate slightly inside” – Sulfate has a slight preference for the inside.
  • ECF: 2 g/dL, ICF: 16 g/dL
  • Mnemonic: “Protein factories” – Cells are the factories producing proteins, so more inside.
  • ECF: 30 mg/dL, ICF: 200 mg/dL
  • Mnemonic: “Building blocks inside” – Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins, found inside cells.
  • ECF: 90 mg/dL, ICF: 0-20 mg/dL
  • Mnemonic: “Glucose goes in” – Glucose enters cells for energy, thus lower inside.
  • ECF: 0.5 g/dL, ICF: 2-95 g/dL
  • Mnemonic: “Lipid reserves inside” – Cells store lipids as energy reserves.
  • ECF: 35 mm Hg, ICF: 20 mm Hg
  • Mnemonic: “Oxygen outside” – Oxygen needs to enter cells, so higher outside.
  • ECF: 46 mm Hg, ICF: 50 mm Hg
  • Mnemonic: “CO2 produced inside” – Cells produce CO2, so higher inside.
  • ECF: 15-20 L (18), ICF: 20-25 L (22)
  • Mnemonic: “Water balance” – Both compartments have significant amounts of water but slightly more inside cells.
  • ECF: 7.4, ICF: 7.0
  • Mnemonic: “pH stability outside” – The ECF pH is more stable and slightly alkaline, while ICF is more acidic.

Using these mnemonics and associations can help you remember which electrolytes and other substances are higher in the ECF or ICF.

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Where is sodium more abundant?


Electrolyte ECF ICF
Sodium 142 mEq/L 10 mEq/L
Calcium 5 mEq/L 1 mEq/L
Potassium 4 mEq/L 140 mEq/L
Magnesium 3 mEq/L 28 mEq/L
Chloride 103 mEq/L 4 mEq/L
Bicarbonate 28 mEq/L 10 mEq/L
Phosphate 4 mEq/L 75 mEq/L
Sulfate 1 mEq/L 2 mEq/L
Proteins 2 g/dL 16 g/dL
Amino acids 30 mg/dL 200 mg/dL
Glucose 90 mg/dL 0-20 mg/dL
Lipids 0.5 g/dL 2-95 g/dL
Partial pressure of
oxygen ECf-35 mm Hg
iCF-20 mm Hg
Partial pressure of
carbon dioxide ECF-46 mm Hg ICF-50 mm Hg
Water 15 to 20 L (18). 20 to 25 L (22)
pH. 7.4. 7.0

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How is homeostasis used for diagnostic purposes


Homeostasis is used for clinical diagnostic procedures by seeing when something goes wrong. Example is seeing albumin in urine. Normally, it’s not supposed to be there.
Then another is testing for lactic acid or LDH. It’s not supposed to be seen in the blood but it will be seen when the cells are unable to receive oxygen and produce energy anaerobically

Which of the following clinical diagnostic findings indicates a disruption in homeostasis?

A) High levels of albumin in the blood
B) Presence of albumin in the urine
C) Low levels of lactic acid in the blood
D) Absence of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the blood

Answer: B

Explanation: The presence of albumin in the urine indicates a disruption in homeostasis because albumin is typically retained in the bloodstream and not filtered into the urine. High levels of lactic acid and LDH in the blood can indicate cellular stress or damage, such as when cells are unable to receive sufficient oxygen and resort to anaerobic metabolism. However, low levels of these substances in the blood are normal, and their presence is abnormal.

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How do the different body systems work together for homeostasis (state each system in the body and how they work)


Integumentary: Contributes to homeostasis by
protecting the body and helping regulate the body temperature.
It also allows you to sense pleasurable, painful and other stimuli in your external environment
Endocrine- endocrine function of the pancreas is producing insulin and glucagon. The insulin goes to bind to specific receptors on the cells which opens protein channels called GLAT transporters. There are four GLAT TRANSPORTERS. These are found in specific cells in the body. Example GLAT 1 is prepdomiannt in brain cells and erythrocytes
GLAT 4 is predominant in the skeletal muscles, heart and adipose tissues.

If there’s high glucose, body doesn’t need it to be so high in the intravascular space. So it tells pancrease to produce insulin. The insulin binds to receptors which open GLAT transporters to shuttle glucose into the various cells that need it more at that time.
GLAT 2 transporters send glucose into the pancreas. That’s how it maintains the proper amount of glucose supposed to be in the Intravascular space.

Macromolecules going through Circulatory system:
Fat through lymphatic system
Glucose into intravscular space

Digestive system: macromolecules are broken down into their smaller units to be sent to other parts

Respiratory: exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide

Urinary System:

Musculoskeletal system:
Bones serves as a storage for calcium
Through the thyroid parathyroid system, the body knows if there’s too much or too little calcium. High calcium in blood; the body will push it into the bones. Low calcium; pushing calcium into the blood

Muscular system:
Musculovascular pump: muscles in limbs contract to pump the blood up back into the heart.
Helps regulate temperature
Gives posture

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What are the characteristics of the homeostasis control systems


Homeostatic control mechanisms
•Functionally interconnected network of body components
that operate to attain homeostasis

•Characteristics of control systems:

-Detect deviations from normal in the internal
environment that need to be held within narrow limits

  • Integrate the above information

-Make appropriate adjustments so as to restore
the parametre to its desired value

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State the components of the homeostatic system and give an example of how everything works together using temperature regulation


When the NORMAL body function is occurring and there’s a DEVIATION, the SENSOR picks it up and tells the CONTROL CENTER which sends signals to the EFFECTOR and this causes CORRECTION of the DEVIATION


Example is temperature
So when your temperature deviates from the normal, your thermoreceptors in your skin will be sensors
It goes to control center which is the hypothalamus in the brain
The effector is the sweat glands.
This produces sweat which cools the system back to normal

  • Sensor: Pancreatic beta cells detect elevated blood glucose levels.
  • Control Center: Pancreas.
  • Effector: Insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas.
  • Correction: Insulin is released, promoting glucose uptake by cells, which lowers blood glucose levels back to normal.
  • Sensor: Baroreceptors in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch detect changes in blood pressure.
  • Control Center: Medulla oblongata in the brainstem.
  • Effector: Heart and blood vessels.
  • Correction: If blood pressure is too high, the heart rate is decreased, and blood vessels dilate. If blood pressure is too low, the heart rate increases, and blood vessels constrict, returning blood pressure to normal.
  • Sensor: Chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies and aortic bodies detect changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood.
  • Control Center: Respiratory centers in the medulla oblongata and pons.
  • Effector: Respiratory muscles (diaphragm and intercostal muscles).
  • Correction: If carbon dioxide levels are high or oxygen levels are low, the respiratory rate and depth increase, enhancing gas exchange in the lungs to restore normal levels.
  • Sensor: Parathyroid glands detect low calcium levels in the blood.
  • Control Center: Parathyroid glands.
  • Effector: Bones, kidneys, and intestines.
  • Correction: Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is released, stimulating the release of calcium from bones, increasing calcium reabsorption in the kidneys, and enhancing calcium absorption from the intestines, raising blood calcium levels back to normal.
  • Sensor: Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect changes in blood osmolarity.
  • Control Center: Hypothalamus and posterior pituitary gland.
  • Effector: Kidneys.
  • Correction: If blood osmolarity is too high, antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is released, prompting the kidneys to reabsorb more water, which dilutes the blood and reduces osmolarity to normal levels.
  • Sensor: Chemoreceptors in the blood and brain detect changes in pH levels.
  • Control Center: Medulla oblongata (for respiratory adjustments) and kidneys (for metabolic adjustments).
  • Effector: Respiratory system (lungs) and renal system (kidneys).
  • Correction: If blood pH becomes too acidic, the respiratory rate increases to expel more carbon dioxide (which reduces acidity), and the kidneys excrete more hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate, restoring pH to normal levels.

These examples illustrate how the body maintains homeostasis through a network of sensors, control centers, and effectors that work together to correct deviations from normal physiological conditions.

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State and define the four homeostatic control mechanisms


Intrinsic controls
- Local controls that are inherent in an organ

•Extrinsic controls
-Regulatory mechanisms initiated outside an organ
-Accomplished by nervous and endocrine systems

•Both controls operate on the principle of feedback and feedforward mechanisms

Homeostatic control mechanisms

-Responses made in anticipation of a change.
-Corrective response prior to onset of change on set point values.
-Eg. Increased respiration and heart rate before activity in competitive sports. Feed forward example;
Hunger makes you salivate when you see food or even smell it. Salivation in anticipation of the food you’re about to eat.

-Responses made after a change has been detected.
-The output of the system “feeds back” to either modify or reinforce the action taken by the system.
-Positive or negative.

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Give an example each of negative and positive feedbacks
What two hormones does the posterior pituitary gland release?


Negative feedback counters your problem:
Example is body temperature.
So the feedback gives you the opposite of the deviation. So you’re hot, feedback makes your skin more cool to optimum temperature.
If you feet cold, thermoreceptors pick it, send it to the hypothalamus in brain,the hypothalamus causes dilation of superficial blood vessels to conserve heat to heat up system. Also makes sweat gland not to produce sweat. That’s why when you’re cold, you don’t sweat.

Positive feedback:
Sometimes good sometimes bad.
It amplifies an initial response. It makes the initial response even more instead of giving the opposite of the initial response

Example: birth process.
Foetus grows to point uterus feels it has to be pushed out. Oxytocin is released from posterior pituitary and attaches to the receptors on uterus to cause contraction. This is initial response.
When it contracts and head of baby puts more pressure on cervix for it to come out more, the stretch receptors on cervix sends feedback to posterior pituitary to produce more oxytocin to cause more contractions so it comes out faster or amplifies the initial release of oxytocin

Another example is how clotting happens:
Epithelium or lining of blood vessels which are endothelium. The endothelium contain hormones or enzymes that prevents blood in vessels from clotting. Example is prostaglandin and nitric oxide.
When there’s a cut into a blood vessel, there’s damage to the prostaglandins and nitric oxide, etc. this causes platelet activation and aggregating at where the cut is to prevent leakage of blood.
When it starts, platelet aggregation is small. Feedback is sent for more platelets to come to aggregate. Continues saa till the blood stops coming.

Another example is breastfeeding. The more the child suck the breast, the more the beast milk comes.
This is the suckling reflex. The sucking causes signals from nipples to send info to posterior pituitary to produce oxytocin. It goes to lobes that produce milk in breasts and acts on myoepithelial cells to contract and produce milk.
This sucking reflex also stimulates anterior pituitary to produce prolactin to induce milk production

Yes, the posterior pituitary gland (also known as the neurohypophysis) releases only two hormones, which are produced in the hypothalamus and transported to the posterior pituitary for storage and release:

  1. Oxytocin
    • Functions:
      • Stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth.
      • Promotes the ejection of milk during breastfeeding.
      • Plays a role in social bonding and sexual reproduction.
  2. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) (also known as vasopressin)
    • Functions:
      • Regulates water balance in the body by increasing water reabsorption in the kidneys.
      • Constricts blood vessels, which helps to increase blood pressure.
        These hormones are synthesized in the hypothalamus, specifically in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei, and are transported down the axons of the hypothalamic-neurohypophyseal tract to be stored and released by the posterior pituitary gland.

Here’s a list of common hormones and the glands or organs that release them:

  • Oxytocin: Released from the posterior pituitary (produced in the hypothalamus)
  • Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH): Also known as vasopressin, released from the posterior pituitary (produced in the hypothalamus)
  • Anterior Pituitary:
    • Growth Hormone (GH)
    • Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
    • Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
    • Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
    • Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
    • Prolactin (PRL)
  • Posterior Pituitary:
    • Oxytocin: Released from here (produced in the hypothalamus)
    • Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH): Released from here (produced in the hypothalamus)
  • Thyroxine (T4)
  • Triiodothyronine (T3)
  • Calcitonin
  • Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
  • Adrenal Cortex:
    • Cortisol
    • Aldosterone
    • Androgens
  • Adrenal Medulla:
    • Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
    • Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)
  • Insulin
  • Glucagon
  • Somatostatin
  • Testes:
    • Testosterone
  • Ovaries:
    • Estrogen
    • Progesterone
  • Melatonin
  • Thymosin
  • Erythropoietin (EPO)
  • Renin (actually an enzyme, but often included in hormonal pathways)
  • Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)
  • Gastrin
  • Secretin
  • Cholecystokinin (CCK)
  • Leptin

These hormones play various roles in regulating physiological processes throughout the body.


Homeostasis brings condition back to normal
True or false


Homeostasis brings condition back to NEAR normal not NORMAL


Explain the gain of a control system:
Read the slides for more examples of positive and negative feedback


Basic formula for Gain= Correction/Error
Detailed formula for Gain= New value - stimulus value divided by new value - normal value

The above are two different formulas and you need to now when to use them.
So the slides used the second formula which is the detailed formula. The new value is the value you get after the correction has been done. The stimulus value is the value you got after the deviation occurred

The concept of “gain” in the context of physiological control systems, like homeostasis, refers to the system’s ability to correct deviations from a set point. There are two different ways to express gain: using the formula ( \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{Correction}}{\text{Error}} ) or through the more detailed formula involving new and normal values. Let’s break down both approaches.

  • Correction: The amount by which the system corrects the deviation.
  • Error: The deviation from the normal set point.
  • Normal temperature: 37°C.
  • Stimulus (deviation): Temperature rises to 39°C.
  • Correction: Cooling mechanisms (e.g., sweating) bring the temperature down to 38°C.
  • Error: Initial deviation (39°C - 37°C) = 2°C.
  • Correction: (39°C - 38°C) = 1°C.
  • Gain: ( \frac{1°C}{2°C} = 0.5 ).
  • New Value: The value after the corrective action.
  • Stimulus Value: The initial value after the deviation.
  • Normal Value: The desired set point or normal value.
  • Normal temperature: 37°C.
  • Stimulus (deviation): Temperature rises to 39°C.
  • New Value: After correction, the temperature is 38°C.

[ \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{New Value} - \text{Stimulus Value}}{\text{New Value} - \text{Normal Value}} ]
[ \text{Gain} = \frac{38°C - 39°C}{38°C - 37°C} ]
[ \text{Gain} = \frac{-1°C}{1°C} = -1 ]

In this specific example, the gain is negative because the correction is in the opposite direction of the stimulus (bringing the temperature down).

  • The basic gain formula (( \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{Correction}}{\text{Error}} )) is more intuitive and directly compares how much correction occurs relative to the initial error.
  • The detailed gain formula (( \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{New Value} - \text{Stimulus Value}}{\text{New Value} - \text{Normal Value}} )) provides a more specific measure of system performance by considering the actual values before and after correction relative to the normal value.

Both formulas are useful, but the context in which you use them may determine which is more appropriate. In physiological systems, these formulas help quantify how effectively homeostatic mechanisms can restore normal function after a disturbance.

Explanation of Correction and Error

•	Error: The difference between the stimulus value and the normal value (how much the system deviates from the normal).
•	Correction: The difference between the stimulus value and the new value (how much the system manages to bring the value back towards normal).

The discrepancy between the answers obtained from the two different formulas stems from how each formula interprets “gain” in the context of physiological control.

This formula evaluates the effectiveness of the system in correcting a deviation from the normal value. Here’s how it works:

  • Error: The initial deviation from the normal value.
  • Correction: The amount by which the system corrects the deviation.

This formula is straightforward and gives a direct measure of how much the system corrects the deviation relative to the initial error.

This formula measures the system’s performance in terms of how close it gets to the normal value after a correction:

  • Stimulus Value: The value after the deviation occurs.
  • New Value: The value after the correction.
  • Normal Value: The desired or set point.

This formula involves specific values before and after the correction and compares the changes relative to the normal value, which can result in different gain values.

  1. Scope of Measurement:
    • The basic formula measures the ratio of the correction to the initial error, focusing on how effectively the system corrects the deviation.
    • The detailed formula measures how close the new value is to the normal value relative to the deviation from the stimulus value, which can include effects of overshooting or undershooting the target.
  2. Interpretation of Correction:
    • In the basic formula, correction is simply the amount of adjustment made from the stimulus value, while in the detailed formula, it’s the relative change in values compared to the normal value.

Let’s re-evaluate the Body Temperature Regulation example using both formulas:

- Normal body temperature: 37°C
- Stimulus value: 40°C
- New value after correction: 38°C

  • Error: 40°C - 37°C = 3°C
  • Correction: 40°C - 38°C = 2°C

[ \text{Gain} = \frac{2°C}{3°C} = 0.67 ]

[ \text{Gain} = \frac{38°C - 40°C}{38°C - 37°C} = \frac{-2°C}{1°C} = -2 ]

The basic formula focuses on the proportion of the correction relative to the initial deviation, while the detailed formula considers how much the system has moved towards or away from the normal value, including potential overshooting or undershooting. The choice of formula depends on the specific aspect of gain you are interested in measuring.

In an MCQ setting, the context of the question will help determine which aspect of gain to measure. Here’s how you can decide which formula to use and interpret the results:

  1. Basic Formula:
    • Context: Use this when the question focuses on the proportion of correction relative to the initial error. This formula is typically used to assess how effectively the system corrects deviations from a set point.
    • Example Question: “How effectively does the system correct a deviation from the normal value?”
  2. Detailed Formula:
    • Context: Use this when the question focuses on the system’s performance in bringing the value closer to the normal value, considering the actual values before and after the correction.
    • Example Question: “How close is the new value to the normal value after correction compared to the initial deviation?”
  • Gain of -2: The negative sign indicates the direction of the correction relative to the deviation. In other words:
    • Negative Gain: Suggests that the system’s correction is in the opposite direction of the initial deviation.
    • For example, if the body temperature initially rises above normal (stimulus value), and the system’s correction brings it below the normal value (overshooting), the gain could be negative.

Body Temperature Regulation Example:
- Normal body temperature: 37°C
- Stimulus value: 40°C
- New value after correction: 38°C

[ \text{Gain} = \frac{38°C - 40°C}{38°C - 37°C} = \frac{-2°C}{1°C} = -2 ]

- The negative gain of -2 means the system has not only corrected the deviation but overshot in the opposite direction by 2°C relative to the normal value. The system effectively corrects the error but goes beyond the set point.

  • Use the basic formula when the question focuses on the ratio of correction to the initial error.
  • Use the detailed formula when the question asks about how well the system returns to or approaches the normal value, considering actual values.
  • A negative gain implies that the correction was in the opposite direction of the deviation, possibly overshooting the normal value.

In this case, the appropriate formula depends on the aspect of the gain you’re interested in:

  • Option A (Detailed Formula) is used when you want to measure how the system’s correction moves the value towards or away from the normal value in relative terms. This is helpful to understand how well the system corrects deviations considering both the stimulus value and the normal value.
  • Option B (Basic Formula) is used when you are interested in the proportion of the correction relative to the initial deviation. This is more straightforward for assessing the effectiveness of the system in correcting an error.

For clinical settings where the goal is to assess how effectively the system corrects a deviation from a normal value, Option B (Basic Formula) is typically used. It provides a clear measure of the correction relative to the initial deviation.

Error: Initial deviation = 180 mm Hg - 120 mm Hg = 60 mm Hg
Correction: Amount corrected = 180 mm Hg - 150 mm Hg = 30 mm Hg

[ \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{Correction}}{\text{Error}} ]
[ \text{Gain} = \frac{30 \text{ mm Hg}}{60 \text{ mm Hg}} ]
[ \text{Gain} = 0.5 ]

So, for clinical assessments, you would typically use the basic formula to determine how effectively the system corrects deviations.

Sure! Let’s break it down in simple terms:

Imagine you’re trying to solve a math problem:

  1. Normal Value: This is like your target or goal. For example, if you want to have 10 apples, that’s your normal value.
  2. Stimulus Value: This is what happens when something goes wrong. For example, if you end up with 20 apples, that’s too many!
  3. New Value: After you try to fix the problem, this is what you end up with. For example, you then manage to get 15 apples after removing some.

Now, let’s calculate the gain:

  • Error: This is how much you were off from your goal at the beginning. If you wanted 10 apples but had 20, your error is 20 - 10 = 10 apples.
  • Correction: This is how much you changed things to get closer to your goal. If you had 20 apples and then got down to 15, you corrected by 20 - 15 = 5 apples.

Gain tells us how effective your correction was. It’s like saying, “Out of the total problem, how much did you fix?”

  • Error: You were 10 apples away from your goal (20 apples - 10 apples).
  • Correction: You removed 5 apples to fix the problem.

So, the gain is like asking: “Out of the 10 apples you were too many, how much did you fix by removing 5 apples?”

[ \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{Correction}}{\text{Error}} ]
[ \text{Gain} = \frac{5 \text{ apples}}{10 \text{ apples}} ]
[ \text{Gain} = 0.5 ]

Meaning of the Gain:

  • A gain of 0.5 means you fixed half of the problem. If your error was 10 apples, you fixed 5 apples, which is half. So, it tells us how much of the problem you were able to correct.

You’re right; negative gain can indeed be associated with negative feedback in control systems, but there’s a subtle difference in interpretation. Here’s a clearer breakdown:

  • Definition: Negative feedback is a mechanism where a change in a system triggers a response that counteracts the initial change, helping to bring the system back to its normal state. This type of feedback stabilizes the system.
  • Example: When your body temperature rises, you start sweating to cool down. This process helps return your temperature to normal, demonstrating negative feedback.
  • Positive Gain: Indicates how effectively the system corrects deviations towards the normal value. A positive gain typically means the system is working well to correct an error.
  • Negative Gain: In a strict mathematical sense, a negative gain can occur if the system’s correction moves it further away from the normal value, implying that the system’s correction might be working in the opposite direction or incorrectly applied.
  • Negative Feedback Systems: In theory, negative feedback should stabilize the system, leading to a positive gain value as it corrects the deviation. However, if the system’s response is incorrect or overly aggressive, it can sometimes be mathematically represented as having a negative gain.
  • Normal Temperature: 37°C
  • Initial Temperature (Stimulus Value): 40°C
  • New Temperature after Correction: 38°C
  • Error: 40°C - 37°C = 3°C
  • Correction: 40°C - 38°C = 2°C
  1. Detailed Formula:
    [ \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{New Value} - \text{Stimulus Value}}{\text{New Value} - \text{Normal Value}} ]
    [ \text{Gain} = \frac{38°C - 40°C}{38°C - 37°C} ]
    [ \text{Gain} = \frac{-2°C}{1°C} ]
    [ \text{Gain} = -2 ]
    • Here, a negative gain indicates the correction went in the opposite direction relative to the normal value.
  2. Basic Formula:
    [ \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{Correction}}{\text{Error}} ]
    [ \text{Gain} = \frac{2°C}{3°C} ]
    [ \text{Gain} = 0.67 ]
    • A positive gain here indicates that the system is effectively reducing the deviation.
  • Negative Feedback: Should ideally result in a positive gain when the system is correcting deviations effectively.
  • Negative Gain: Can occur if the correction is moving the system further away from the normal value or if there’s an issue in the feedback mechanism.

So, negative gain can reflect that something is going wrong, even in systems intended for negative feedback.


How do you know how effective a feedback control is using the principle of gain


Higher the gain, more efficient is the system

The effectiveness of a feedback control system can be assessed using the principle of gain by evaluating how the system responds to changes in input. Gain refers to the ratio of the change in output to the change in input. A higher gain implies a stronger response to input changes, which can indicate better control system performance. Typically, higher gain leads to faster response but can also introduce instability if not properly managed.

Normal BP= 100 mm Hg
Some disturbance causes an † BP = 175 mm Hg
Baroreceptor mechanism brings BP down to 125 mm Hg
So correction done by baroreceptor mechanism = - 50 mm Hg
But still error = 25 mm Hg
So, Gain = - 50/25 = - 2

Let’s break down the calculation of gain and what it means in the context of this blood pressure regulation example:

  • Normal Blood Pressure: 100 mm Hg
  • Disturbance Causes Blood Pressure to: 175 mm Hg
  • Baroreceptor Mechanism Brings Blood Pressure Down to: 125 mm Hg
  1. Initial Error: The deviation from the normal value before correction:
    [ \text{Initial Error} = 175 \text{ mm Hg} - 100 \text{ mm Hg} = 75 \text{ mm Hg} ]
  2. Correction: The amount of change the baroreceptor mechanism achieves:
    [ \text{Correction} = \text{New Value} - \text{Stimulus Value} ]
    [ \text{Correction} = 125 \text{ mm Hg} - 175 \text{ mm Hg} = -50 \text{ mm Hg} ]The negative sign indicates a decrease in blood pressure, which is the intended effect.
  3. Remaining Error: The deviation from the normal value after correction:
    [ \text{Remaining Error} = 125 \text{ mm Hg} - 100 \text{ mm Hg} = 25 \text{ mm Hg} ]
  4. Gain Calculation: Using the formula:
    [ \text{Gain} = \frac{\text{Correction}}{\text{Error}} ]
    [ \text{Gain} = \frac{-50 \text{ mm Hg}}{25 \text{ mm Hg}} ]
    [ \text{Gain} = -2 ]
  • Correction: The baroreceptor mechanism reduced the blood pressure from 175 mm Hg to 125 mm Hg, which is a decrease of 50 mm Hg.
  • Error: After the correction, the blood pressure remains 25 mm Hg above the normal value.
  • Gain: The negative gain of -2 reflects how the correction made by the baroreceptors is related to the remaining error. A negative gain indicates that the correction made by the system is in the opposite direction relative to the remaining error and reflects the effectiveness or overcorrection in the feedback process.

In simpler terms:

  • Gain of -2 means that for every 1 mm Hg of remaining error, the system corrected by 2 mm Hg, but in the opposite direction. This might indicate that the correction mechanism is overshooting or adjusting too aggressively.

In Summary:

  • Positive Gain typically reflects a well-functioning system that is effectively correcting deviations towards the normal value.
  • Negative Gain in this context indicates that the correction has moved the system further away from the normal value relative to the remaining error, which could suggest an issue with the feedback or an overcorrection.

State five characteristics of marker substances used in the measurement of body flyids


What should be the characteristics of marker substances?

Not toxic
Even distribution in desired compartment
Not crossing into other compartment
Not metabolised or rapidly metabolised or excreted
Not alter volume of compartment being measured

Marker substances used to measure body fluids should have specific characteristics to ensure accurate and reliable results. Here are five key characteristics with explanations and examples:

  1. Non-Toxic:
    • Explanation: The marker should be safe to use and not cause harm to the patient.
    • Example: Inulin is a non-toxic substance used to measure extracellular fluid volume. It is safe for use in clinical settings.
  2. Even Distribution in Desired Compartment:
    • Explanation: The marker should distribute evenly throughout the compartment being measured to provide an accurate assessment of the volume.
    • Example: Radioactive iodine (I^131) evenly distributes in the thyroid gland, making it useful for measuring thyroid gland volume.
  3. Not Crossing into Other Compartments:
    • Explanation: The marker should remain within the desired compartment and not move into other compartments to avoid contamination of measurements.
    • Example: Evans Blue dye is used to measure plasma volume because it stays within the blood plasma and does not cross into the interstitial fluid.
  4. Not Metabolized or Rapidly Metabolized or Excreted:
    • Explanation: The marker should not be rapidly broken down or eliminated from the body to ensure that it remains in the compartment long enough for measurement.
    • Example: Dextran is a polysaccharide used to measure plasma volume. It is not rapidly metabolized, allowing for accurate measurement over time.
  5. Not Altering the Volume of the Compartment Being Measured:
    • Explanation: The marker should not affect the volume of the compartment being measured to avoid skewing the results.
    • Example: Sodium chloride (saline) is used to measure extracellular fluid volume. It does not alter the volume of the extracellular fluid compartment significantly.

Inulin is a commonly used marker for measuring extracellular fluid volume.

  • Non-Toxic: Inulin is not harmful to patients.
  • Even Distribution: It distributes evenly in the extracellular space.
  • Not Crossing Compartments: Inulin does not enter cells and remains in the extracellular space.
  • Not Rapidly Metabolized: Inulin is not metabolized in the body and remains stable during the measurement period.
  • Not Altering Volume: Inulin does not change the volume of the extracellular fluid.

These characteristics make inulin an effective marker for accurately measuring extracellular fluid volume.


What are the two approaches of physiology study
What are the homeostatic mechanisms for decreased temp
How does sweating occur

The body decreases its metabolic rate to generate more heat true or false?
What adipose tissue activity is increased when the temperature is low ?
Is sympathetic innervation increased or decreased during cold temperatures?
Between vasoconstriction or vasodilation, which occur in reduced body temperate?
Another name for eccrine glands are???


In physiology, the teleological approach and the mechanical (or mechanistic) approach are two different ways to explain biological functions and processes:

  1. Teleological Approach:
    • This approach focuses on the “why” behind a physiological process, looking at the purpose or goal of that process.
    • It assumes that biological systems and processes occur for a reason, often tied to their role in survival or function.
    • Example: When asked why the heart pumps blood, a teleological answer would be, “The heart pumps blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues,” emphasizing the end purpose of the process.
  2. Mechanical Approach:
    • This approach focuses on the “how”, explaining the physical or chemical processes that occur to carry out a physiological function.
    • It involves breaking down a system into its component parts and processes, explaining how each part contributes to the overall function.
    • Example: A mechanistic answer to how the heart pumps blood would involve explaining how electrical signals initiate muscle contraction in the heart, causing the chambers to contract and push blood through the circulatory system.

In summary, the teleological approach answers the purpose or goal (“why”), while the mechanical approach explains the detailed processes involved (“how”).

Here’s a summary of homeostatic regulations for low temperatures:

  1. Increased Metabolic Rate: The body increases its metabolic rate to generate more heat. This process, often referred to as thermogenesis, involves increasing the activity of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and other heat-producing mechanisms.
  2. Increased Sympathetic Innervation: The sympathetic nervous system is activated to stimulate various responses, including vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) to reduce heat loss from the skin and shivering to generate heat through muscle contractions.
  3. Shutting Down Sweating Mechanisms: Sweating is reduced or stopped to minimize heat loss through evaporation. The body conserves heat by preventing excessive loss of thermal energy.

Together, these mechanisms help maintain core body temperature and protect against hypothermia in cold environments.

Sweating is the body’s primary mechanism for regulating temperature through evaporative cooling. Here’s how it works:

  1. Stimulus: When the body’s core temperature rises due to heat, exercise, or stress, thermoreceptors in the skin and core detect the increase.
  2. Activation of Sweat Glands: The hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature, signals the sweat glands (eccrine glands) in the skin to start producing sweat.
  3. Sweat Production: Sweat glands secrete a fluid composed mainly of water, with small amounts of electrolytes like sodium chloride.
  4. Sweat Excretion: Sweat is released onto the surface of the skin through ducts.
  5. Evaporation: As sweat evaporates from the skin surface, it absorbs heat from the body, which helps cool the body down.
  6. Cooling Effect: The process of evaporation removes heat from the body, thereby lowering the core temperature.

Sweating is crucial for preventing overheating and maintaining thermal balance.


Kidneys maintain constant ion concentration
Near constant or relatively constant. The correction homeostasis does is not exact.

Walter B canon(american )is the one who coined the term homeostasis.
Bernard just said it’s mileu interiur

External factors and internal factors can cause change in normal or homeostatic organism
The organism Loses homeostasis and engages compensatory mechanisms cuz of the change
If it fails- illness or disease sets in plus death
If it works-wellness and healthy state

Homeostatic Control mechanisms are Functionally(not structurally) interconnected network of body components that operate to attain homeostasis

Picture of components of homeostatic control system:
Sensor brings info to command center or control center or integrator gives command to effector to correct it

Diseases prevent the above cycle from happening so drugs are brought in place to make the cycle happen

Intrinsic and extrinsic controls both operate in the principle of feedback and feed forward

To help you remember that ADH and oxytocin are stored in the posterior pituitary (but produced in the hypothalamus or neurohypophysis), you can use this mnemonic:

“POA”Posterior for Oxytocin and ADH.

Or you could think of the posterior pituitary as the “storehouse” for ADH and Oxytocin. The hypothalamus is like the “factory” that produces these hormones, while the posterior pituitary is the “warehouse” where they are stored and released when needed.

This way, you associate the posterior pituitary as the place where they are stored and released, not produced.

Example of intrinsic controls

If a lion enters a room filled with people, will feedforward or feedback work here to increase adrenaline for them to run

In this situation, feedforward control would be the mechanism that increases adrenaline in response to seeing the lion. Here’s why:

  • Feedforward: This anticipatory mechanism activates before the actual stressor (lion attack) happens. When people see the lion, their brain immediately perceives danger and prepares the body for action. The sympathetic nervous system is triggered, releasing adrenaline (epinephrine) to initiate the “fight-or-flight” response, allowing them to run before the lion even approaches. This is a preemptive response based on the anticipated threat.
  • Feedback: This mechanism would occur after the body detects a change (e.g., blood pressure rising or muscles working hard) and responds to correct or adjust the body’s state. In this case, feedback might help regulate the response, but the initial surge of adrenaline would be due to feedforward control.

So, when people see the lion, feedforward control kicks in to boost adrenaline, allowing them to react quickly.

Yes, seeing the lion is a change, but it’s important to distinguish between perception of a threat (which triggers feedforward) and physiological changes (which trigger feedback).

  • Feedforward works based on anticipation of an event. In this case, seeing the lion is perceived as a threat, and your body prepares in advance by increasing adrenaline before any actual physical changes (like running or an increase in blood pressure) happen. This anticipatory response doesn’t wait for the body to physically change; it acts based on what the brain expects to happen next (danger).
  • Feedback comes into play after a change has already occurred in the body. For example, after running, feedback mechanisms will help regulate heart rate or blood pressure, adjusting to the new physiological demands.

So, while seeing the lion is a change in the environment, it’s the brain’s anticipatory reaction (feedforward) that kicks in first, triggering adrenaline release to prepare the body for action (fight-or-flight).

Negative feedback slide on ADH:
Decreased water content in body triggers osmoreceptors in hypothalamus and produces ADH and send sit to posterior pituitary for storage. Posterior pituitary increases ADH release which makes kidney retains more water so the urine will be more concentrated.


It’ll make you more thirsty (thirst center in hypothalamus) making you increase water intake increasing normal water content

If there’s increased water content:
No thirst
No stimulus of osmoreceptors in hypothalamus so there’s decreased ADH secretion and reduced retention of water by kidney increasing your water content in urine:

Negative Feedback in arterial BP:
Baroreceptors pick up increased arterial Bp and inhibit vasomotor center in medulla or pons
Reducing impulse to blood vessels and heart reducing pumping of heart and reducing BP

Negative feedback slide on temperature
Heat loss and heat gain center in hypothalamus

Shivering is rhythmic contractions of skeletal muscles. This increases body temperature when you’re cold.

Blood clotting is positive feedback - end result is to stop bleeding. The more clots form, the better way for blood to stop

Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin has to keep telling the people to form prothrombin activator.
So when the bleeding stops, it’ll go and tell the thing to stop making clots.

You’re right that blood clotting is an example of positive feedback, and the way you’ve described it captures the core idea: the clotting process amplifies itself until the bleeding stops.

Here’s a clearer breakdown:

  1. Positive Feedback in Clotting: When a blood vessel is damaged, the body starts forming a clot to prevent blood loss. This process begins with the activation of clotting factors that convert prothrombin to thrombin. Thrombin then amplifies the process by activating more clotting factors, which in turn produce more thrombin, leading to the formation of a fibrin mesh that stabilizes the clot. This is a self-reinforcing cycle—the more thrombin produced, the more clotting occurs, until the bleeding stops.
  2. Stopping the Clotting Process: Once the vessel is sufficiently sealed and the bleeding stops, the positive feedback cycle needs to stop, otherwise excessive clotting would occur. This is where negative feedback and other regulatory mechanisms come in. Factors like antithrombin and other inhibitors of clotting are activated to halt further thrombin production and prevent additional clots from forming once the job is done.

In short:
- Positive feedback drives the clotting process by amplifying the production of thrombin until the wound is sealed.
- After bleeding stops, negative feedback mechanisms turn off the clotting cascade to prevent unnecessary clotting and restore balance.

Supra optic nucleus and paraventricular part of nucleus . Most comes from paraventricular part of nucleus for more oxytocin in parturition

Yes, both the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus play crucial roles in the production and secretion of hormones, specifically oxytocin and ADH (vasopressin).

  • The supraoptic nucleus primarily produces ADH, which regulates water balance in the body by controlling the amount of water reabsorbed by the kidneys.
  • The paraventricular nucleus produces both oxytocin and ADH, but it is especially important in the production of oxytocin, which plays a significant role in childbirth (parturition) and lactation. During parturition, oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions and helps progress labor.

You are correct in noting that most oxytocin comes from the paraventricular nucleus, especially during parturition, as it releases more oxytocin to facilitate childbirth. The paraventricular nucleus is thus heavily involved in the surge of oxytocin during labor, which is critical for contracting the uterus and delivering the baby.

Gain control is a measure of the feedback mechanism the body uses to restore itself to normalcy

Effectiveness of mechanism or gain =correction/error

Error- whether body overstepped it’s bounds when trying to restore
Correction is when the body is able to do its work

What is new value
What is stimulus value

New value is 125
Stimulus is 175

New value is what the body tried to do to correct the problem
Stimulus is what the deviation brought about or what the problem was

Gain is usually applied to negative feedback mechanisms.


Here are two MCQ questions based on the role of the lungs in oxygen replenishment:

1. What is the primary role of the lungs in maintaining oxygen levels in the extracellular fluid (ECF)?
- A) Filter toxins from the blood
- B) Replenish oxygen in the ECF by oxygenating the blood
- C) Transport oxygen directly to the cells
- D) Store oxygen for later use

Answer: B) Replenish oxygen in the ECF by oxygenating the blood

2. How does oxygen move from the lungs to the extracellular fluid (ECF)?
- A) Through active transport via the alveoli
- B) By diffusion from alveoli to capillaries and then into the bloodstream
- C) Through the lymphatic system
- D) Via direct absorption from the trachea

Answer: B) By diffusion from alveoli to capillaries and then into the bloodstream

Intrinsic controls in homeostasis refer to internal mechanisms that help regulate physiological processes within an organ or tissue without external intervention. Here are some examples:

  1. Heart Rate Regulation: The sinoatrial (SA) node in the heart acts as the heart’s natural pacemaker. It generates electrical impulses that regulate heart rate, adjusting it intrinsically based on the body’s needs, such as during exercise or rest.
  2. Blood Glucose Regulation: Insulin and glucagon are hormones produced by the pancreas that regulate blood glucose levels. This regulation occurs intrinsically through feedback mechanisms within the pancreas, responding to changes in blood sugar without external signals.
  3. Autoregulation of Blood Flow: Vascular smooth muscle cells within blood vessels can regulate their own contraction and relaxation in response to local changes in blood flow and pressure. This intrinsic control helps maintain optimal blood flow and pressure within tissues.
  4. Temperature Regulation in Cells: Cellular mechanisms such as heat shock proteins are activated in response to elevated temperatures, helping to stabilize proteins and prevent damage without external cues.

These intrinsic controls are crucial for maintaining homeostasis and ensuring that physiological processes remain within optimal ranges.

Here’s a summary of the negative feedback mechanism for temperature regulation involving the heat loss and heat gain centers in the hypothalamus:

  1. Temperature Change: When the body’s temperature deviates from the set point (either too high or too low), the hypothalamus detects this change.
  2. Detection by Hypothalamus:
    • Heat Loss Center: Activated when body temperature is too high.
    • Heat Gain Center: Activated when body temperature is too low.
  3. Response to High Temperature (Heat Loss):
    • Activation: The heat loss center in the hypothalamus is activated.
    • Heat Loss Mechanisms: Signals are sent to increase mechanisms such as sweating and vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) to promote heat loss and cool the body.
  4. Response to Low Temperature (Heat Gain):
    • Activation: The heat gain center in the hypothalamus is activated.
    • Heat Gain Mechanisms: Signals are sent to increase mechanisms such as shivering (muscle contractions to generate heat) and vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) to reduce heat loss and warm the body.
  5. Feedback Loop: As body temperature returns to the set point, the activity of the heat loss or heat gain center decreases, reducing the activation of the corresponding mechanisms and maintaining homeostasis.

This negative feedback loop ensures the body’s core temperature remains within a narrow, optimal range.