Lecture 1 Flashcards
Digital Image
- N-dimensional matrix of intensity values
- Each cell of the matrix is a pixel or voxel
o Voxel is 3D equivalent of a pixel - Conversion from real world into digital images by:
o Sampling: digitising the coordinate values
▪ How we divide the image into pixels
▪ Result of limited special resolution
o Quantisation: digitising the amplitude values
▪ How we measure colour intensity (for example, blackness/whiteness of an
- Ideal sampling s(x,y) in a regular grid of MxN locations can be represented using a collection
of Dirac functions
o s(x,y) = ∑ ∑ 𝛿(𝑥 − 𝑗∆𝑥, 𝑦 − 𝑘∆𝑦)
▪ Δx := horizontal spacing
▪ Δy := vertical spacing
o For each point in the grid, we can
compute the Dirac function
▪ Translates to amplitude
▪ Grid defines spacing
between pixels
▪ Pixel coverage defines what
area of the image has the
same Dirac function value - Larger pixel
coverage -> larger
pixel coverage -> lower resolution
▪ Parameters of grid are stored in image headers - (e.g. DICOM format)
- Limited intensity values -> require quantisation
o Often map intensity value to grayscale
values between 0 and 255 - Often measured in Hounsfield Units (HU)
o Range of [-1000,1000]
▪ Increases with density (e.g.
bone is 1000)
Intensity Transformations
- Transformation T() of the original pixel value p from scale [p0,pk] into brightness from a new
scale [q0,qk] given by:
o 𝑞 = 𝑇(𝑝)
o This depends on the pixel value, not on the position of the pixel - Log transformation boosts low grey-level values
- Negative function = invert function
Histogram matching
- Histograms provide frequency of frequency of
the pixel value p in an image
o Normalised: divide frequencies by the
number of pixels/voxels in the image - Histogram matching: transform intensity of input
image to match the histogram of target image
o Compute cumulative distribution
function of histogram of both images
Linear Contrast Stretching
- Add more contrast to image by stretching
intensity frequency distribution
o Rescale range [p0,pk] to [0,1]
o Then rescale the result to the desired range [q0,qk]
o q = q0 + (qk – q0) [(p-p0) / (pk – p0)] - Used to reveal structures that are different but have very
similar intensity values
Spatial Filtering
- Operations that work with the values of the image pixels in a
neighbourhood and corresponding values of a sub-image that has the same
dimensions as the neighbourhood
o Called: filter, mask, kernel, template, window
o Values in a kernel are referred to as coefficients, no longer as pixels - Filters should have an uneven width and height such that we have a centre pixel
- For example, calculating the correlation at each position
o Pass input filter over input
o Multiply input value by filter value, sum all multiplications
o Move filter - Convolutions are the same as first rotating the filter by 180 degrees and then using
correlation - Problems may occur at the border of an image: some parts
of the filter may cover a part outside of the image
o Valid convolution: only allow the filter to go over
parts of the image where the entire filter covers
part of the image
▪ Reduces size of the output
o Same convolution: add padding around the image
(typically 0), and perform filter operation
▪ Keeps output size the same if one
row/column is added
o Cycling padding: Copy rows/columns that are valid,
and place them around the original image
▪ Helps to learn features without bias towards
the centre of the image - Padding does not add new
information or artifacts to the image
Types of filters
- Image smoothing -> blurring and noise reduction
o Based on averaging brightness value in some
neighbourhood -> i.e. multiply with filter that has
coefficients of 1
o Should be normalised again - Edge detection
o Kernel should have a sign change -> measures difference between
adjacent pixels
o If the kernel looks like an edge, it responds on edges - Image derivative
o Measure change of intensity in x or y direction
o To find structures along a certain direction
o Prewitt gradient kernel: derivative in one direction,
smoothing in perpendicular direction - Blob detection
o Using the “Mexican hat” (Laplacian of Gaussian) filter
o Region of a digital image in which all the points can be considered
to be similar to each other, and different from surroundings (e.g.
o Laplacian of Gaussian
Gaussian Filters
- Gaussian operator in 1D:
o Mu: mean value, controls position of the bell
o Sigma: standard deviation, controls width of the bell - Gaussian operator in 2D:
o Circular filter
o Now no longer has a Mu, only has sigma as a parameter
o Typically a normal distribution in two dimensions
o Convolving this function with an image blurs the function
▪ Changes in sigma influence how blurry the image becomes - When you have to define the kernel size for the Gaussian function:
o Rule of thumb: Gaussian function goes to zero after approximately
3σ - Derivative of Gaussian filters:
o Linearity of convolution theorem states that convolutions are
o Computing the derivative of an image is thus done by convolving with the derivate of
a Gaussien -> introduces scale dependency in the computation of derivative - Also used for edge detection via first order derivative (gradient direction)
o Edge at maximum of the first-order derivative (local maxima of gradient magnitude)
o Edge at zero-crossing of the second-order derivative
Binary Morphology
- Structuring element (SE): point set that is used as image probe
o Own local origin - Morphological transformation: records locations where certain relations
between image and SE are satisfied - Dilation: combines two sets by vector addition
o First two images on the right.
▪ Top one where origin is member of SE
▪ Bottom one where origin is not member of SE
o Cell with X in it is the origin
o Apply filter B, if the left cell contains a black square, add one to the
right if it is not there yet
o Used to fill in dotted lines - Erosion: combines two sets by vector subtraction
o Removes noise while keeping structures intact - Opening: erosion followed by dilation
o Smooth contours
o Cut narrow bridges
o Remove small islands and sharp corners - Closing: dilation followed by erosion
o Fill narrow channels
o Fill small holes
- Dividing image into segments
- Thresholding: grey value remapping operation that results in a binary
o Divides image into two segments
o Usually to identify a single object (segment 1) and background (segment 0)
o Threshold is tuneable parameter
o Can use multiple thresholds to identify multiple objects that can be distinguished by
their grey values - Automatic threshold: objects have approximately the same grey level that differs from the
grey level of the background
Otsu algorithm
- Given a threshold, we can define two classes
o Pixels belonging to the background
o Pixels belonging to the foreground - For each class, we can compute:
o Mean value μ
o Variance σ
o Weight ω = #nr pixels per class / #total pixels - Finds optimal threshold such that:
o Intra-class variance is minimised
o Inter-class variance is maximised